The sentences below are incorrect. Rewrite them correctly
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the original. Use two to five words, including the word in capitals.
Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Where there is no verb, use a relative pronoun.

A suburb is a neighbourhood that is far from / inside a city.

far from


I have to .......................................... in town. I'll be home in an hour.

put a stop to • put pressure on • run a business • under the weather • run an errand • need for • out of shape • in detail • in the mood • on second thoughts

run an errand 


When I was in New York I stayed with my uncle, from who I learnt about the city.

When I was in New York I stayed with my uncle, from whom I learnt about the city.


The buses aren't paid for by the municipality. PAY

The municipality ................................... buses.

doesn't pay for the


You 1. .......................................... (see) it daily in every supermarket: 

Sweets and crisps 

2. .......................................... (display) in highly visible areas of the shop.

1. see; 2. are displayed


If a place is packed, there are many / few people there.



We must .......................................... crime in our streets.

put a stop to • put pressure on • run a business • under the weather • run an errand • need for • out of shape • in detail • in the mood • on second thoughts

put a stop to


He took me to the Empire State Building, a landmark who's top story is 380 metres high.

He took me to the Empire State Building, a landmark whose top story is 380 metres high.


I was in school years ago. I broke my arm then. WAS

Years ago, .......................................................... , I broke my arm.

when I was in school


Children, 3. ..........................................  are tempted by these unhealthy snacks, cry until their exhausted parents buy them. The UK government took action to change this situation in 2022, 

4. .......................................... they introduced new regulations limiting the places 

5. ..........................................  retailers may display foods high in fat, sugar, or salt.

3. who; 4. when; 5. where;


Temperatures that are average for the season are unusual / normal .



I wonder if I'm coming down with something. I'm a bit .......................................... .

put a stop to • put pressure on • run a business • under the weather • run an errand • need for • out of shape • in detail • in the mood • on second thoughts

under the weather


In 1931, after the Empire State Building has been constructed in a record 13 months, the US President turned on its lights for the first time.

In 1931, after the Empire State Building had been constructed in a record 13 months, the US President turned on its lights for the first time.


I designed a metropolis with the Sim City game. WITH

Sim City is the game ............................................ a metropolis.

with which I designed


In areas 6. .......................................... are near the cashier, these foods 7. .......................................... (must / replace) with healthy alternatives, such as fruit or seeds.

6. which / that; 7. must be replaced;


Glass / Metal can easily be smashed.



I want you to tell me the entire story .......................................... .

put a stop to • put pressure on • run a business • under the weather • run an errand • need for • out of shape • in detail • in the mood • on second thoughts

in detail


Over the years, the building has visited by millions of people.

Over the years, the building has been visited by millions of people.


Is this the patient? The doctor wrote her a prescription. FOR

Is this the patient ............................................... the doctor wrote a prescription?

for whom


Unfortunately, at present the new rules 8. ..........................................  (ignore) by many retailers, 9. ..........................................  shops still have sweets next to the cashier.

8. are being ignored; 9. whose;


A street vendor sells / buys things in the street.



Parents shouldn't .......................................... their children to get perfect marks.

put a stop to • put pressure on • run a business • out of shape • in detail • in the mood • on second thoughts

put pressure on


From the observatory on the 102nd storey, you can be seen a distance of 80 miles.

From the observatory on the 102nd storey, you can see a distance of 80 miles.


He decided not to come, even though he had time. (could)

He decided not to come, even though he could have.


The retailers claim that they 10. .......................................... (never / hear) of the rules or haven't had time to change their displays. Reports say that the government 11. .......................................... all shops .......................................... (should / visit) frequently by inspectors to make sure that the regulations are followed. Let's hope this happens so that from now on, kids and their parents 12. .......................................... (encourage) to make healthier choices.

10. have never heard; 11. should have … visited; 12. will be encouraged