Main Idea
Point of View
Text structure

In winter

All the singing is in 

The tops of the trees

Where the wind bird

                What type of poem is this?

Free Verse!


Skyler has hair like an angel. Most of the time it is beautiful and curly.  However, when you straightening it, it is also gorgeous.  

What is the Main Idea?

Skyler has hair like an angel.


Sally didn't want to work with Ally because she didn't dress nice, but the teacher made them partners. When Sally and Ally worked together Sally realized that Ally was a cool person.

What is the theme?

Don't judge a book by it's cover.


You should wash up everyday. If you dont you will be funky. If you are funky you wont have friends. So if you want to smell good and have friends, stay clean!

What is the Point of View?

Second Point of view


Eli woke up late so he didnt have time to brush his teeth. So when he got to school he used mouth wash.

What was Eli's problem and what was his solution?

Problem: He didnt have time to brush he


How deary to be somebody

How public like a frog

To tell ones name the livelong day

To an admiring bog

                    What type of poem is this?

Lyric Poem


   Hammerhead Sharks have uniquely shaped heads which alllow them to use their sense of sight much more fully then other sharks. Hammerhead sharks are fierce predators and hunt for a variety of sea animals, although stingrays are their favorite prey. Hammerheads live in most of the warm oceans of the world.

Hammerhead sharks a unique and amazing animals!


What is theme?

The lesson or moral of the story


When I wanted to eat ceral I pulled out the milk. When I pulled it out it was chunky and gross.

What is the point of view?

First Person.


First, Josh woke up. Next,He turned off his alarm. Then, he brushed his teeth and took a shower. Last, he ate breakfast and left for school.

What did Josh do third?

He brushed his teeth! 


Anger took over

Sadness was every were

Darkness was all they knew

Light they never knew

                 What type of poem is this?

Free verse.


Chistan love talking about people. Every day at lunch he talks about people. He talks about people so much he lost all his friends.

Sal said the maind idea is "he loves talking about people" Is Sal correct? If not what is the main idea?

Sal is correct


If the stroy teches you something is it:

Main idea



Text structure



Ty would come to Ajs house every morning so they can walk to school. But one morning Ty came over to walk to school with Aj and he was about to leave with Callie. Now Ty is feeling sad.

What pov is this?

3rd person limited


How many Text structures are there?



Sand scatters the beach

Waves crash on the sandy shore

Blue water shimmers.

                 What type of poem is this?



What is main idea?

What the story is mostly about


What is the theme of the boy who cried wolf?

If you lie you lose trust.


what are all the point of veiws?

1st person

2nd person

3rd person objective  3rd person limited  3rd person omniscent


What text stucture would a social studies book would have?



There once was a pear       

who had fluffy hair

He liked to roll

So he was put in a bowl

and that was a scare.

                What type of poem is this?



How do you tell the difference bettwen Main Idea and Theme?

 Main Idea is what the stroy is mostly about 

 Theme is the lesson of the story


One day Cassie received a package from home at her summer camp. All the girls around her watched her open the mysterious package. Inside was a batch of homemade brownies! All the girls looked at them with amaze looking like they want one. Cassie just stared at them and one asked "Oh! can I have one?" Cassie looked at her and thought "If I give her one the rest will ask too."

So she shook her head. Afterwards the girls never hanged out with her again.

What is the theme?

Sharing is Caring..


Pretend your going to school. What are you bringing?You brush your teeth and head down stairs to have breakfast. Then, you head to school, where do you go? You go to school then head home. After, you go to sleep.

What point of view is this written in?

  + 2nd Person +


Josh forgot to set his alarm. So he is late to school.

What transitonal word tells you that it is turning into the cause?
