Social Skills
Hygiene/social skills
Health/social skills
Safety/social skills

True or False:  When having a conversation with someone it is okay to do all the talking and not let the other person speak at all.  

False. You should always take turns in a conversation and listen when others speak.


What should I do before I use the bathroom or change my clothes?

Close the blinds


I just burped in the middle of a silent room. I should do this.

What is say excuse me


TRUE or FALSE It is okay to drink soda with every meal.

What is FALSE. You should limit your soda intake and drink more water!!


True or False.  Someone smiles at me at the mall.  It is okay to run up and hug them  

What is False. It is good to be friendly but you shouldn't walkup to a stranger and hug them. We should give them personal space.


When I am out in the community it is okay to stand closely to a stranger and speak to them.

No. We should keep our distance and not speak to strangers.  


T/F: Your sibling took and is wearing your favorite shirt. You should start yelling at him and trying to rip it off. 



Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should do this.

What is wash my hands with soap.


True or False:  I should take a break if I am feeling mad. 

What is true.  Taking a break when you are mad is a good way to calm down.


True or False: Its important to know where to go during a fire.

True: You should always have a plan of where to meet in case of a fire. 


True or False When someone does not quickly respond to my calls or texts, I should repeatedly call or text them until they respond.

False. They may be busy, and repeatedly calling/texting would be annoying and frustrating to others.


What should I do if I am ready to leave for school, but my mom is still getting ready and eating her breakfast?

Wait patiently. Read a book, watch a show, etc


True or False. I just used the bathroom but I'm in a hurry so I don't need to wash my hands.

What is FALSE. You should ALWAYS wash your hands. 


True or False: When playing cards or a board game it is perfectly okay to be angry when you loose.  

False.  It is important to be a good sport and congratulate the winner.


What should you do if you spill something?

Try to clean it up immediately or ask for help if you need it


If someone is different from me, and does things that appear strange like rocking back and forth or talks to himself, how should I react?

Be friendly. Everyone is different, and that is okay.


What is your address? 



What should I do when I sneeze

Sneeze into my elbow, turn away and when finished wash my hands


True or False: It is ok to sit on my phone or ipad and watch videos all day. 

False: It is important to do something active every day. (walking, bike riding, push ups etc)


I met this really nice person when I was by myself and they asked me to get in the car with them because they have a special surprise. What should you do?

What is say "no thanks" and walk away immediately. Tell a trusted person/adult. 


True or False:  It is okay to get into someone else's belonging's when they aren't looking.  

False. it is never okay to get into someone else's things.  


Should I let a stranger in my house? 



My breath is starting to smell bad. I can feel food stuck in my teeth. What should I do.

What is brush my teeth. (every day)


True or False:  It is important to eat fruits and vegetables everyday.  

What is True.  It is important to eat healthy food everyday.  


You DON'T like that your schedule is changing. You are upset and angry. What should you do? 

It is ok to be upset but it is your responsibility to act appropriately. Ask for a break. Ask for help. Ask to talk to someone