Clean, Customize, Categorize, Continue.
What are the 4 C's?
Knowledge of time, knowledge of task, and estimation ability.
What are the three components of understanding time?
A task which takes up valuable time which should be spent else where
What is a time robber?
Color coding by subject or activity, setting mini-goals and personalizing your calendar.
What are the three essential components of monthly planning?
Brainstorm, Topic Sentence, Evidence, Conclusion
What is BOTEC?
Putting away your binders, notebooks, folders and throwing away things that you do not need.
What is cleaning?
Have-to's where events have to be completed in order to avoid negative consequences.
What are obligations?
What is an example of a self-inflicted time robber?
Selecting colors for each activity and subject as well as obligations, aspirations and negotiations.
What is color coding?
What is production time?
Using tools to stay organized.
What is customization?
Want-to's are events that you want to do and have a set time but don't have negative consequences.
What are aspirations?
When there is a fire alarm in the middle of class, last minute family decisions and getting sick.
write down the due dates on the calendar, break the assignments into manageable parts and make sure to work backwards from the due dates.
What is mini goals?
This is a great way to review weekly and monthly schedules and are used to keep track of assignments.
What is the use of planner and agendas?
Separating papers and materials.
What is categorize?
Activities that do not have a set time and are flexible.
What are negotiations?
Saying no to distractions, learning your habits and choosing differently next time, and relaying on help from others.
How to avoid time robbers?
Making your calendar unique, using an electronic calendar, and using color coding with goals in mind
What is personalizing your calendar?
Making your calendar unique, using online resources as well as physical materials.
What is personalizing your calendar?
Saves time, makes it easy to find papers, materials, and makes your life easier.
Why is this important?
Activities that need to get done, will get done and scheduling will leave for more time for fun.
Why is prioritizing time important?
To stay on task and focused, getting to complete assignments in a timely manner as well as reducing stress and negative consequences.
Why is avoiding time robbers important?
You can see the bigger picture, anticipate upcoming assignments and allows you to plan your time accordingly.
Why is monthly planning important?
You can keep track of daily assignments, anticipate upcoming tasks and allows you to plan your time accordingly.
Why is weekly planning important?