Emotion Regulation
Distress Tolerance
Interpersonal Effectiveness

Wise Mind is a blend of 2 different minds, Rational Mind and...?

Emotion Mind


True or False: Emotion regulation skills are meant to be used in the short term to change your emotions.

False - emotion regulation skills are long term skills to help keep your emotions under control and well regulated.


Give an example of imagery

Imagery is using your imagination to create a relaxing scene that has as much detail in it as possible.

What do Interpersonal Effectiveness skills do?

Help us to interact with other people in more effective/efficient ways.  


True or False: A dialectic shows that two things that seem like opposites can both be true.



Name 1 way that emotions can be helpful.

Emotions give us information, Emotions communicate to & influence others, and Emotions motivate & prepare us for action.


Name 4 of the 6 senses in Self-Soothe with the Six Senses.

Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch, and Movement.


Be Gentle, Act Interested, Validate, and Use an Easy Manner is abbreviated as...?

GIVE - for relationship effectiveness


When you're practicing mindfulness you want to focus on...?

What is happening in the present moment.


Describe the Wave Skill.

When you have an emotion, just observe it, let yourself experience it, think of the emotion as a wave that is coming in and will eventually go back out.  Don't try to push it away or hold on to it.


What skill does the V in IMPROVE represent?

Vacation - give yourself a brief vacation; go outside & take a walk, have a coffee, read a chapter of a book, watch an episode of tv, etc.


FAST - Be Fair, No Apologies, Stick to your values, and Be truthful is an example of what kind of effecetiveness?



Name the 3 WHAT skills

1) Observe

2) Describe

3) Participate


How could you use the Opposite Action skill when you're feeling sad?

Sadness = wanting to sleep or withdraw, so get active.  Get up and do something, don't allow yourself to withdraw or sleep, go spend time with friends and family.


There are 4 areas of Pros & Cons - Pros of acting on the urge, Pros of not acting on the urge, and...?

Cons of acting on the urge and Cons of not acting on the urge.


THINK is an acronym that helps us remember to be empathetic - what does THINK stand for?

Think about it from the other persons perspective, Have empathy, Are there other interpretations for what the other person is doing, Notice ways that they're trying, and Try to be kind.


Name the 3 HOW skills

1) One mindfully

2) Don't judge

3) Do what works


PLEASE - what does it stand for?

Physical Illness, Like Yourself, Eat Balanced, Avoid Mood Altering Substances, Sleep Balanced, and Exercise.


ACCEPTS - what skills are associated with each letter?

Activities, Contribute, Comparisons, Emotions, Push Away, Thoughts, and Sensations.


Give an example of how to use DEAR MAN to get something you want or need.

Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindfully, Appear Confident, and Negotiate.
