Social Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene Skills
Social Skills 2
Safety Skills
Phone Skills

It is okay to get in someone's personal space...

What is False? Getting into someone's space may make them feel uncomfortable.


This is something you can you say to get someone's attention...

What is "Excuse me"?


What are the items needed for taking a shower?

water, soap or body wash, a drying towel and something to wash your body with


A hobby is....

What is something you do for fun? 


It is okay to give my phone number to someone I met online...

What is no- you should never give your phone number to someone you don't know well?


The 2 ways you can start a phone call...

What is say....?

"Hello, this is ______"

"Hi, how are you doing?" 


It is ok to look into someone's belongings when they aren't looking.

What is FALSE? It is never ok to go through someone else's belongings, especially when they aren't looking.


It is polite to do this when you walk through door and someone is behind you...

What is hold the door for them?


This is what I need to do before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty.

What is wash my hands with soap and water?


All friends have to like the same things...

What is is okay for friends to have different interests and share them with each other?


true or false

is it ok for an adult to give a stranger their home address? If false... when is it a good time to give someone your address? is never really o to give someone your address unless they are family.


This is the second thing you should state when making a phone call...

What is State who you are

"This is _____"

This is ____" I'm calling to talk to _____"?


true or false? 

Someone does not quickly respond to my question, so I repeatedly ask them until they answer...

What is False? You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. 


What are 3 skills you need to live alone?





This is the number of times a day I need to brush my teeth.

What is at least 2 times per day?


What are 3 benefits of learning a new skill?

1. ____________

2. ____________

3. _____________


I don't like the game that a classmate suggested, so I...

What is suggest another one or play their game for a while and switch; take turns choosing?


This is the number of times to call someone when they don't answer on the first try...

What is ...f they don't answer, call back once. If they still don't answer, leave a message asking them to call you back and give a brief explanation of why you're calling. Unless you're in an emergency, resist the temptation to call anyone repeatedly in the hopes your call will be answered?


true or false? 

Is it ok if...We are having a discussion about the lesson, but I am thinking about my favorite thing, so I start a discussion about my favorite thing...

What is False? That is an off topic discussion.


This is something I can say when someone is doing something that bothers me.

What is "hey ____, what you are doing is bothering me, could you please stop?"


I have to cough. This is where I need to cough...

What is into my elbow or a napkin/tissue?


This is the way to ask a friend to do an activity with you...

What is Do you want to ______ with me?

Would you like to _____?


Someone looks at's OK for me to stand up and yell out - "What are you looking at?"

What is no? Yelling isn't a good way to solve a problem?


What is the difference between a facetime, a phone call and a text message?

facetime allows you to see the other person.

phone call allows you to talk to the other person via audio.

text message uses words to communicate with another person without seeing them.

3 skills you need to be a good friend

1. _______

2. _______

3. ________


This is what can you do if you are feeling frustrated. 

What is...

-Take a break, take a walk, ask for a fidget, count to 10, take deep breaths, etc.?


How long should you wash your hands for?

30 sceonds


This is one way to find out if someone has a common interest with you. 

What is have a conversation?

-tell them what you like and ask "do you like ___ too?"

-Ask them what they like to do. if you like to do what they said you can respond with "Oh I like to do that too! It would be fun to do it together!


A stranger in a very cool car asks me to come to their car, I...

What is I ignore them and walk away...this is not safe?


These are 3 different ways to end a phone call....

What is ... ?

"I gotta go, i'll talk to you later"

"Thank you for your time, good bye"

"Great talking with you!"