Organization responsible for evaluating and accrediting health-care organizations
and programs in the United States
The Joint Commission (TJC)
What is medical Asepsis?
Practices performed to prevent the spread
of infection or "Clean Technique".
Single-celled animal that lives in water.
Difference between localized and systemic infection?
Localized is located in one area of the body whereas systemic has spread through the blood stream.
Nursing is the most trusted profession according to thee (ANA) American Nurses Association. True or False?
Factors contributing to unsafe patient care.
Age and ability to understand
Impaired mobility
Pain and discomfort
Delayed assistance
When should you perform hand hygiene?
-After touching blood, body fluids, secretions,
excretions, or contaminated items
-Immediately after removing gloves upon
entering a patient’s room
-Before touching the patient or tubes
connected to the patient
-Between caring for two patients in the same
-When arriving on the nursing unit
-After returning to the nursing unit from
breaks or meals
-After using the restroom
-Any time your hands are visibly dirty
May be made up of one or more cells and is treated with antifungal medications that come in
creams, ointments, oral, or IV forms.
Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)
Infection acquired in the healthcare setting.
Nurses outnumber what other medical profession by 4:1?
Medical Doctors (MD)
Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish
What is Droplet transmission?
Transmitted from the respiratory system of one
person to another through the small droplets
Example of common Fungi.
Candida albicans Yeast infections
Infection caused from a pathogen
Primary infection
Men account for what percentage of American Nurses?
Around 11%, 11.2% in 2022
Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
Indirect contact transmission - give example?
Occurs when microorganisms leave one person
(reservoir) and contaminate an object
Example: Needle, call light, phone
Very tiny parasites that live within the cells of the
host and reproduce there. (Very few medications exist for this type of pathogen.)
Example of Secondary Infection?
Infection caused by a different pathogen.
Who is known as, "The lady with the lamp"?
Florence Nightingale
She became a field nurse during the Crimean War, where she became known as "the Lady of the Lamp" because of her nighttime care to the wounded.
Nurse must know what for the use of restraints?
Federal, state, and facility policies.
How many seconds should you wash you hands while performing hand hygiene?
Normally found in the colon but can cause
infection if it enters the urinary tract or
other parts of the body; common cause of
nosocomial infections & is treated with antibiotics.
Escherichia coli
What is the chain of infection?
Infectious agent
Portal of exit
Mode of transmission
Portal of entry
Susceptible host
What is the most commonly reported work-related injury in the nursing profession?
Back related injuries due to lifting and pulling patients.
Poor posture is wack, protect your back!