DBT Skills
CBT Skills
Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills

What does DBT stand for?

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy


What does CBT stand for?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


What is Mindfulness?

Awareness of the present moment


What/who are interpersonal relationships?

Your social connections - friends, guardians, siblings, classmates, teachers, Ace staff, peers/associates, etc.


Name a trigger and 2 ways to cope with it.

Trigger - feeling like someone disrespected me.

Coping skill - take a walk, positive self talk, play a sport


What are the 3 states of mind? Explain what each state of mind is.

Emotion mind is ruled by feelings and urges.

Reasonable Mind is ruled by thinking, logic and facts.

Wise mind is the balance between wise and reasonable. Takes into account logic and emotions. 


What is the CBT triangle? Name all components.

Situation -> Thought -> Emotion -> Behavior


What are the “What” skills? Name all components.

Observe, Describe, Participate


Give an example of an I-Statement.


I feel frustrated when you yell at me. 

I feel happier when you greet me in the mornings.


What are boundaries? Name 2-3 types of boundaries.

Limits and/or rules that your set for other people to protect your space.

Some types: communication, social media, time, personal items, personal space, personal information.

Give an example of a dialectical statement. (Hint: two opposites are true at the same time.)

I am trying my best and I also need to work harder.

It is rainy and sunny outside.

I feel happy and sad.


What are cognitive distortions? (Hint: aka “stinking thinking”

Irrational or biased thoughts that causes negative feelings.


What are the “How” skills? Name all components.

One-mindfully, Nonjudgementally, Effectively 


What is validation? Or How can you validate others?

To understand how someone else feels, by listening and showing that their perspective makes sense.


What are affirmations? Give an example of 3 affirmations.

A positive statement or sentence that affirms something.

I am beautiful inside and out.

I am in control of my actions.

I am successful.


Name a distress tolerance skill (Hint: Distress Tolerance is a set of skills that helps us survive a stressful situation or crisis without making it worse.)

TIPP Skill, STOP Skill, IMPROVE the moment, Distraction w/ ACCEPTS skill


Give an example of a situation in which someone is using a cognitive distortion (stinking thinking). (*Hint: some examples of stinking thinking are catastrophizing and jumping to conclusions.)

Example of jumping to conclusions: 

A girl sees her friend whispering and laughing with someone who is not her friend. The girl gets upset and blocks her friend because she thinks her friend was talking about her and is not her friend anymore.


Why are the “What” and “How” skills called the “What” and “How” skills?

They teach us “what” to do when practicing mindfulness and “how” to practice mindfulness.


Name a specific situation/example that you can use DEAR MAN skill for.

Any scenario in which you’re asking for something or saying no.

Examples: Telling a friend no who asks you for a ride to work everyday.

Asking your guardian if a friend can come over and spend the night.


List 3 other emotions that you can say instead of mad.

Furious, upset, angry, frustrated, annoyed, bothered, disrepected, offended, etc.


What are the 4 sets of skills in DBT?

Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, Interpersonal Effectiveness

Name 3 examples of cognitive distortions (stinking thinking)

Answers vary:

Catastrophizing, blowing things out of proportion, mind reading, emotional reasoning, disqualifying the positives, personalization, overgeneralizing, labeling, jumping to conclusions, all or nothing thinking, minimizing/maximizing


Name 5 different ways to practice mindfulness.

You can practice mindfulness by doing anything! Examples: listening to music, taking a walk, talking to a friend, studying, watching a movie, coloring/drawing/painting, doing a puzzle, stretching, exercising, eating, playing a game, driving, etc.


What does it mean to be effective?

To do what works. To act in the best, most skillful way to accomplish your goal.


Name the pros and cons of a situations. (Example- the pros and cons of being on this zoom for day treatment)

Pros - I get to go on a field trip for attending and I am learning in a fun way while still at home.

Cons - it takes time away from other things I may want to do.