Name 2 unhelpful ways to communicate and 2 helpful ways to communicate.
Unhelpful: yelling, screaming, hitting, kicking, ignoring, refusing to participate, demanding things.
Helpful: using DEAR, asking for help, using kind words, accepting "no"
True or False, Feelings ID focuses on the emotions part of the CBT triangle.
TRUE! Feelings ID focuses on our emotions.
True or false, POPS is a problem-solving skill.
TRUE! POPS helps us solve our problems.
Would you rather speak every language in the world or talk to animals?
If you had a time machine, where would you go?
Back to the future!
When we are asking for what we need, should it be realistic?
Why is it important to tell other people how we are feeling?
It is important to tell other people how we are feeling so we can get our needs met and help other people understand us better. It also can help us lower our mood rating.
IF we're having trouble falling asleep, what are three options we could do to help us solve that problem?
Possible answers: read a book, listen to music, use a skill, ask parents for help
Would you rather have dessert for breakfast every day or breakfast for dessert?
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Cool name!
What does DEAR stand for?
D: describe the situation
E: express your emotions
A: ask for what you need or want
R: reward the listener
Name 3 emotions you might be feeling if your mood rating is at a 1-3.
Happy, peaceful, calm
True or False, when listing our options, we are only allowed to list helpful options.
FALSE! We should list all of our options, helpful and unhelpful
What is your favorite kind of chip?
Crunch crunch YUM!!!
If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?
OOOh that'd be a fun lunch!
Use a DEAR to ask a therapist for a break.
"The situation is I am at Compass, I am feeling nervous, can I please take a break? Thanks for listening"
What skills can you use if your mood rating is at a 0-5.
4x4 breathing, DISTRACT, STOP change the channel, positive self-talk
What does every letter of POPS stand for?
Problem- identify the problem
Options- list all your options
Pick one- pick one of your options
See if it works- See if your option helped solve your problem
What is your favorite sports team?
If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?
Think pink... Or blue... or mix the two!!
What should our reaction be if the listener says "no"?
Still have a calm body and accept the "no", we can use radical acceptance, 4x4 breathing, lemons to lemonade and positive self talk.
Name as many emotions as you can in 1 minute.
Think of a problem you have had before, and use POPS to work through that problem.
Staff will decide if answer is acceptable.
Would you rather have one giant eye or two noses?
EYE'll Smell ya later! Haha
Would you rather have a puppy or a kitten?
Puppy for sure!!!