Coping Skills
Self Care
Love Languages
Just for Fun!

Define coping skills. 

What are strategies to help you tolerate, manage, and deal with stressful situations in life? 


In terms of self care, supportive structure has everything to do with your ____ ____. 

What is your external environment? 


CAMSA stands for: 

What are Connection, Acceptance, Mindfulness, Sense of Self, and Action?


True or false: The love languages can be applied to yourself throughout treatment. 

What is true?

___ is the only part of the body that cannot heal itself. 

What are teeth? 


5-4-3-2-1 and fidgets are examples of ___ skills. 

What are grounding skills?


Physical self care includes: 

What are proper hygiene, quality sleep, taking medications properly, resting etc.? 


Reminding yourself that it is the eating disorder trying to control you is ____ part of CAMSA

What is acceptance? 


Actions speak louder than words is related to _____. 

What are acts of service? 


True or false: Astronauts grow taller in space. 

What is true? The lack of gravity allows the spine to stretch making astronauts taller in space!

Describe your environment is ___ type of coping skill

What is distraction? 


Mindful relaxation includes activities like ___, ___, and ___. (multiple possible answers)

What are writing, journaling, drawing, painting, taking a shower or bubble bath, doing a face mask, put on lotion, stretch or do mindful yoga, listen to music, breathe deeply, etc.? 


Skills related to connection include: 

What are chatting with peers, playing games with peers, eye contact, connection to authentic self, etc.?


Name the 5 Love Languages

What are physical touch, gift giving, quality time, words of affirmation, and acts of service? 


This toy has the largest population on Earth.

What are Lego figurines? 


The 4 types of coping skills we focused on are ___, ___, ___, and ___. 

What are calming skills, distraction skills, processing skills, and grounding skills? 


Supportive relationships in terms of self care include: 

What are spending time with others who are good to you, feeling supported by the people you spend time with, have someone who will listen to you, have scheduled time with supportive people, and having people who respect your choices? 


The stage of change that coincides with action

What is maintenance? 


___ ___ involves collecting small things and gifting them to loved ones. 

What is penguin pebbling? 


This animal can detect earthquakes in advance of them happening. 

What are snakes? 


Name 5 examples of coping skills. 

What are deep breathing, repeating a safety statement, affirmations, do a craft, coloring, listen to music, journaling, process with someone you trust, run water over your hands and notice the details, etc?

The purpose of self compassion is....

What is showing yourself the same compassion you show others by accepting your failures, allowing yourself to feel your feelings, and engaging in supportive self-talk? 


CAMSA is a mindfulness approach that targets the ___, ___, and ___. 

What are mind, body, and spirit? 


List the neurodivergent love languages. 

What are info dumping, penguin pebbling, parallel play, body doubling, deep pressure, and support swapping? 


___ is the only planet that spins clockwise. 

What is Venus?