What is the skill you use when you pay attention to the person that is talking, think about what they are saying, and reflect back to them what you heard them say?
Active listening
Larry has been told several times that he is smoking too many cigarettes each day. Larry tells his friends that they are overreacting and it is not a problem.
What stage of change is Larry in?
True or false: We only have thoughts when we experience unpleasant emotions
FALSE! We ALWAYS have thoughts
What are the 5 senses that we use in the Self-Soothe skill?
Vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch
Fill in the blank:
Emotion mind, rational mind, ______ mind
What skill might you use to appropriately express your feelings and emotions verbally to someone else?
I feel statement
What stage of change are you in if you are aware that there may be a problem, but are still uncertain if you actually want to work on it?
What are the 5 components of a thinking report?
Charlie is offered a new job. The job is very far from where he lives, but offers a higher pay. This is causing Charlie to feel very stressed because he is unsure what to do. What skill can Charlie use to help make the best decision?
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the act of consciously focusing the mind in the present moment, without judgement and without attachment to the moment. Mindfulness is the opposite of being on “auto-pilot.”
What skills do you use when you are at an emotional level of 4 or 5, and your emotions are too elevated to appropriately problem solve?
Distress tolerance skills
Cinderella has been wanting to have a healthier diet and lifestyle. She has developed a meal plan, researching gyms she could join, and told her friends about her goal. What stage of change is she in?
The types of thoughts that we tell ourselves to make something we want to do okay, or to make us feel better after we've done something wrong are called: ___________________
Cognitive distortions
There are six distress tolerance skills. Name them.
ACCEPTS, IMPROVE, Self-Soothe, Radical Acceptance, Pros/Cons, and Breathing
What are the three WHAT skills of mindfulness?
Observe, describe, and participate
What skill do you use when you weigh the potential outcomes (i.e. advantages and/or disadvantages) of a situation or decision?
What stage requires the greatest commitment of time and energy?
What type of distortion is the following statement?
"She was only a child and probably won't even remember I abused her."
What does ACCEPTS stand for?
A- Activities
C- Contributing
C- Comparisons
E- Emotions
P- Pushing Away
T- thoughts
S- Senses
What are the three HOW skills of mindfulness?
non-judgmental stance, one mindfully in the moment, and effectiveness
Name the 8 primary emotions
Anger, sadness, joy/happiness, fear, disgust, guilt/shame, interest, surprise
In what stage are you MOST likely to share your intention and goal for change with other people?
What type of distortion is the following statement?
"I was drunk and that's why I did it. I wouldn't have done that sober!"
What does IMPROVE stand for?
I - Imagine
M- Meaning
P- Prayer
R- Relaxation
O- One thing at a time
V- Vacation
E- Encouragement
What are the three goals of mindfulness practice?