Character Motivation

Marcy fastened her seatbelt. She watched the flight attendant walk down the aisle. The pilot came on the speaker. He said that they were ready for takeoff. This is probably because: 

a. Marcy is in a taxi

b. Marcy is on an airplane

c. Marcy is on a bus

b. Marcy is on an airplane


Which word in the list below is not a plural noun?

chickens        buses        children      girl



What is character motivation?

Why a character says, does, or thinks something


What type of syllable is the word he?


the vowel e has no consonant closing it in, allowing the e to make it's long sound


Which word can have the prefix re- added to the beginning to make a new word?

a. chair

b. play

c. on

d. second

b. play turns into replay


What does this rebus puzzle mean?

Trip around the world


I live in a cold place. My black and white feathers make me stand out. I live in a large group so that we can stay warm in the cold winds. My webbed feet make me an excellent swimmer. What inference can you make about what animal this is?

A penguin


What is the subject of the sentence below?

Isabella likes ice cream.



When the author does not explicitly tell you the character's motivation you have to use what you already know, add in what you learn from the text, and make a conclusion. What is this called?

Making an inference


Which option splits the word coconut into syllables correctly?

a. co-con-ut

b. coc-on-ut

c. co-co-nut


B. What Sofia always plays at recess


Guess the zoomed in item. Hint: it's something we eat, can be turned into jam

A strawberry


Grandpa just knew he had just placed the bowl of apples down. He asked his grandchildren had they eaten any, they said no. He checked the fridge to see if someone had put them up. That's when he smelled the aroma coming from the oven. What inference can we make about the apples?

They had been used to make an apple pie


What is a singular noun?

Give me 3 examples of a singular noun

A noun that describes 1 of something.

Example: 1 chair,   1 cookie,     1 boy


Trent’s bike was getting too small and just wasn’t cool anymore. Trent was watching TV and saw the new Bike Racer 2000 and knew he had to have it. He could no longer ride that old bike. All he could think about was how amazing he would look on the new bike and how smooth the bike would ride. He counted how much money he had and realized he needed $50. He went out and did chores for his parents and jobs for the neighbors until he earned $50. He went and bought the bike right away. Woohoo!
What was Trent's motivation? 

a. the new bike

b. $50

c. to do chores

a. the new bike


Which 2 words have a long vowel sound?

a. crisp

b. green

c. chop

d. snow

e. full

b. green, long e

d. snow, long o


It was a special day in October. Beth carved a pumpkin. She put on her costume and grabbed a large bag. Then her mother took her to different houses in the neighborhood. When she got home she had so much candy in her bag. What inference can we make about Beth?

a. She went to a Halloween party

b. Beth went to a friend’s house

c. Beth went trick or treating

d. Beth loves to play dress up

c. Beth went trick or treating


Solve this mad gab riddle: Hint its not what you see but its how the words sound together.

Up He Such Ease

Clue: Put this in a skillet with some bread and you've got something good!

A piece of cheese

You have to say the words quickly and listen to what you are saying


Watch the video then answer the following question.

What fairytale did the wolf get thrown into towards the end of the video?

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears


Fix the sentence below:

what time is We going the to mall.

What time are we going to the mall?


Watch the video to determine the 2 characters motivations? What motivates Vanellope and King Candy?

Vanellope just wants to win the race while King Candy (Turbo) wants to stop her from getting her game back


Which set of words are in alphabetical order?

a. pizza, prize, cake, turtle

b. apple, banana, acorn, beach, carrot

c. donut, elephant, hippo, lazor, lemons



Sarah called her friend. She told her friend about what happened at school today. She had hoped she would be at school tomorrow. What inference can you make?

a. Sarah’s friend moved

b. Sarah went to her friend’s house

c. Sarah is getting ready for a sleepover

d. Sarah’s friend was absent today

d. Sarah's friend was absent today


Rebus Puzzle

I over slept


The kids were having a blast playing baseball in the neighborhood. Next up to the plate was Jimmy. He had been practicing his swing all summer. The ball flew right at him and he swung with all his might. The ball flew past the catcher and Jimmy excitedly took off running. All was well until he heard a loud crash. All the kids ran off immediately. What inference can be made about what happened?

The baseball hit a neighbors window


Which word best completes the sentence?

d. halves


What is Marmalade's motivation

He wants to make everyone think Wolf and his friends are the bad guys


Which digraphs would complete each of the following words?     ____out         crun___       ___ich

sh- shout            ch- crunch         wh- which 


Read the sentence below.

b. chose


Mary's mom has 4 daughters. There names are Haylee, Baylee, Caylee and ___________. What's the last daughters name?

1 minute

Mary. The very first sentence said Mary's mom. Mary is 1 the fourth daughter