Cause and Effect

What are coping skills? Bonus +50 if you can name an example.

They are used to help us calm strong emotions. Examples would be deep breathing, taking a break, fidgeting, etc.


True or False: communication involves sending, receiving, or exchanging information verbally, nonverbally, or through technology. 



What are the two types of consequences you can earn depending on the choices you make?

Positive and Negative.


Problem situation: I left my homework at home on the table and it's due today, if I turn it in late I can only get half credit. What is the problem?

Left homework at home on the table.


Why are social skills important?

They help us to better communicate effectively and efficiently to build and maintain relationships. (Help us better get along with others to make and maintain friends)


Helpful or Unhelpful: I needed a break in a quiet room for 10 minutes, after my friend yelled at me for not wanting to play the game they wanted. I took some deep breaths and later apologized. Is this a helpful or unhelpful way to use a coping skill?


What are the two TYPES of communication?

Verbal and Non-Verbal


Cause and Effect also means to make C_ _ _ _ _ and C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Choices and Consequences.

What is problem-solving? 
Finding the solution to a problem. 

There are three types of boundaries time, physical, and emotional. If I share to my friends parent that my friend is planning to hurt themselves, am I crossing any of these? If yes, which one?

No, your friend is in danger of hurting themselves. It is only ever okay to share a secret if your friend is in danger. If you tell a trusted adult they can get the help that they need, your friend might be upset with you but, you helped to keep them safe. 


Coping Skills Practice: Name 5 things you can see right now.

name 5 things in the room. 


What are the three STYLES of communication? +100 if you can name the fourth combined style.

Passive, Aggressive, and Assertive.

Passive-Aggressive is the combined style


What does it mean to be impulsive?

To not think before you act. Doing something suddenly without thinking about it. Examples include blurting before being called on or running across a street without asking.


Problem situation: I left my homework at home on the table and it's due today, if I turn it in late I can only get half credit. What are two possible solutions to this problem?

 Answers vary. Could explain the situation to your teacher, or ask to call home in the office to see if a parent could run it over for you before the end of the day. Could ask the teacher ahead of class time to get another worksheet and try to complete it before class starts. 


What are 3 types of bullying we've discussed this summer? 

Physical, Verbal, and Social (Relational).


Review of self-control: what are two things in your control, and two things out of your control? Bonus 100 if you can share what self-control is.

in control- my emotions, actions, behaviors, words.

out of control- others emotions, actions, words, the weather.

self-control: the ability to control ones impulses, words, and emotions or thinking before doing or saying something. 


Communication also involves listening, what are two ways to show you are actively listening?

Looking at the speaker, nodding your head, or also summarizing what is said.


Name the cause and the effect: I didn't complete my work because I didn't want to, and got a 0.

Cause: Didn't want to complete my work

Effect: got a 0.


I'm having problems making friends. Two possible solutions for this problem would be 1. To start a conversation with someone asking them about their interests to find something in common. 2. Just jump into a game with other kids without asking and make up my own rules to figure out who likes it. Which is the best possible solution?

Solution 1.


Making Amends: I lied to my friend about spending time with my family over the weekend instead of going with my friend to the library. How would I give a meaningful apology?

I'm sorry I lied instead of being honest, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?


Name the four zones of regulation in order and an emotion in each zone.

Blue-Sad, Green-Happy, Yellow-Frustrated, and Red-Angry


I feel upset when others are talking while I am trying to teach. Which STYLE of communication is this? 

Assertive. Stating needs clearly and respectfully by sharing how you feel. 


Name the cause and the effect: I forgot to set my alarm and overslept, missing the bus and arriving late to school. 

Cause: forgot to set the alarm

Effect: oversleeping, missing bus, arriving late to school.


What do each of the letters stand for in the STEP process? if you can name any ONE letter, you'll get 125 points.

S- SAY the problem.

T- THINK of solutions.

E-EXPLORE the solutions.

P-PICK the best solution.

What is bullying? Bonus +100 if you can give an example of a power imbalance.
Repetitive, intentional hurting of a person or group, which could also involve a power imbalance. 

Power imbalance example could be height, popularity, or age.