Random Wh- Questions
Coping Skills
Social Skills
Safety Skills

What should we say when we first meet someone?

Answers may vary:

Hi, Hello, Nice to meet you

What do coping skills help you to do? 

Answers may vary:

To calm down, feel better, feel relaxed, to make the right choices


Social skills are__________.

Answers may vary:

Skills we use everyday.

Skills we use with others. 

Knowing how to behave properly.

Ways to communicate with others. 


I want to go to my friend's house next door. I should ask my_________________. 



True or False: It is okay to burp out loud because everyone burps. 



Why do we say "please" and "thank you"? 

Answers may vary:

It shows respect, it it polite, it makes others happy, it shows you have good manners


You are feeling frustrated. Name a coping skill you can use. 

Answers may vary:

You can ask for a break, talk to a friend or adult, write in a journal, or use another coping skill. 


True or False: Asking for help is a social skill. 



A friend asks me to do something that sounds fun, but it may be dangerous. I should________

Calmly tell my friend that what they are asking makes me feel uncomfortable. If they keep asking me, I should walk away. If they are really my friend, they would not ask me to do something dangerous.

True or False: I want a cookie for desert so it is okay ask someone to buy one for me.



Why do we need to follow directions? 

Answers may vary:

To stay safe, to not get into trouble, to make others happy


You get to school and are having a hard time settling down. What coping skill can you use to be ready to work? 

Answers may vary:

You can take some deep breaths, do a mindfulness activity, or ask for a quick snack and/or drink. 


How do we show someone that we are listening to them? 

Answers may vary:

Your eyes are on the person who is talking. 

You are not talking while they are. 

You are facing them with your whole body. 


My friends are saying hurtful things about someone else. I should__________

Answers may vary:

Change the subject and talk about something else. 

Tell my friends that it is not nice to say hurtful things about others. 


You get food on your face. You should________________. 

use a napkin or paper towel


What can you do if your friend is feeling sad?

Answers may vary:

You can listen to them, you can offer support, you can try to cheer them up


Your friend said something to you that hurts your feelings. Name a coping skill you can use. 

Answers may vary:

In a calm voice you can tell them how what they said hurt your feelings. 


There is a new student in your classroom. How can you introduce yourself? 

Answers may vary:

"Hi, my name is_____. What is yours?" 

I am outside and someone I don't know walks up and offers me some treats. I should_________.

Say, "No, thank you" and walk away. 

Say, "No, thank you," go inside, and tell my parents. 


Your nose is running or is stuffy, you should___________________________. 

use a Kleenex, then wash your hands or use sanitizer


Why is it important to use whole body listening? 

Answers may vary:

It makes them happy, it shows you are interested in what they are saying, it shows you are listening


You keep trying to solve a hard math problem. You are getting frustrated. What can you do? 

Answers may vary:

Ask a friend for help

Ask an adult for help


What does it mean to be a good friend? 

Answers may vary:

Listening when the other person is talking, being kind to others, sharing, taking turns, helping others, including others


I am at the park and I meet someone who is really nice. They ask me to go for a ride with them in their car. I should______________. 

Say, "No, thank you" and walk away. If you need to, seek out another adult for help. 


Good sportsmanship is_________________________. 

Answers may vary:

not bragging about winning

congratulating the winner even if you lost

telling the other team good game  even if you beat them


True or False: When there is an emergency, such as someone is hurt or there is danger, it is okay to interrupt someone. 



Someone starts to yell at you. Name a healthy coping skill to deal with this. 

Answers may vary:

Walk away, calmly ask them to give you some personal space, go talk with someone else


You see some friends having a conversation and want to join in. What is the best/polite way to join in? 

Answers may vary:

You can wait until there is a pause in the conversation.

You can wait nearby and to be invited in the conversation. 


Name two different things to remember when crossing the street to be safe. 

Answers may vary: 

Look both ways, wait for the "Walk" sign if there is one, walk straight across, wait until all cars have completely stopped, use the crosswalk if there is one


You are walking into the store or school and people are coming in right behind you. You should____________.

hold the door for them


What can you do if you feel unsafe? 

Answers may vary:

You can walk away from the situation

You can tell an adult

You can tell a friend


Name someone you can talk to when you need some help with your emotions or how you are feeling about things. 

Answers will vary


If someone is mean to you, does that mean that you can be mean to them?

No, what could you do?


You are lost when out in the community. What can you do to keep yourself safe? 

Look for an adult that is trustworthy, like a police officer, security guard, a store employee


You just put food in your mouth when someone asks you a question. You should___________. 

Answers may vary:

cover your mouth and ask them to wait a second

hold up a finger to indicate you would like them to wait a minute