We use this skill to remain in control and prevent anger from escalating.
What is "stay calm."
We use this skill to stand up for self without violating the rights of others.
What is "Assertive."
Recognize how your actions affect others.
What is "Respectful."
Superflex Strategy #1
Think about others and do what is expected.
When we are at our Angriest...
What is "We are at our Stupidest."
We use this skill to understand the consequences of our actions.
What is "Think Ahead About Results."
We use this skill during a crisis to remind self to remain calm.
What is "Self-Reminders."
What are our 3 Jobs?
What is "Respectful, Responsible, and Fun To Be With."
Superflex Strategy #2
Stop what you are doing and do what you are instructed to do.
What kind of thoughts others have when we do what is unexpected.
What is "Uncomfortable Thoughts."
We use this skill to get curious instead of angry during a crisis situation.
What is "Understand."
We use this skill after a crisis to tell self how we did during the situation.
What is "Give Yourself Feedback."
What are the Social Detective Skills.
What is "Eyes, Ears, and put it all together in our Brain to figure out what to do next."
Superflex Strategy #3
Think about the variety of ways to solve a problem.
Goals of a Peacemaker.
What is "Increase the Peace and Stop the Violence."
We use this skill before an event or situation.
What is "Prepare."
We use this skill to be "teaseproof."
What is "Ignore."
Fun to be With definition.
What is "People Actually Want to Be Around You."
Superflex Strategy #4
Shift and adjust thinking to match the group.
Doing one thing at a time and being present in the moment.
What is "Mindfulness."
We use this skill to brainstorm a variety of ways to solve a problem and choose the best solution.
What is "Make A Decision."
We use this skill to recognize when we are in the "Yellow Zone."
What is "Know What You Are Feeling,"
Do what you are supposed to do even if you do not want to.
What is "Responsible."
Superflex Strategy #5
Shift and adjust body to match the group.
Superflex Strategy #6
Think about others and do what is expected depending on where you are and who you are with.