Parts of Speech
Hodge Podge
Choose the best first person pronoun to fill the blank:

Will you give candy to Layla and ______?

What is: me?
Spelling word # 129
What is j-e-w-e-l-r-y?
Correct the sentence:

my mother asked me did you remember to go to the store

What is:

My mother asked me, "Did you remember to go to the store?"

Identify the verb(s) in the following sentence(s):

Jake dropped his pencil. 

What is dropped?
Name two transitions words that indicate a contrast/comparison relationship.
What are:

However, contrast, by the same token, conversely, instead, likewise, on the contrary, similarly, yet, however, still, nevertheless, in contrast, on one hand, on the other hand, 

Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun:

"I have a question about my grades," _____ said, "so I need to talk to _____ professor."

What is I, and my?
Spelling Words # 190 & 172
What is 190:p-r-o-t-e-i-n and 172:p-e-r-m-e-a-t-e?
can we go to the park asked mary not today said mom we have a doctors appointment
What is:

"Can we go to the park?" asked Mary.

"Not today," said mom. "We have a doctor's appointment."

Identify the subject(s) in the following sentence(s):

Sarah and I went to the movies late last night.

What is Sarah and I?
Identify whether the pronoun is singular or plural:

We were the first ones out the door.

What is plural?
Fill in the appropriate pronouns:

Jack, Maddi, Jeff, and ______ are going to the movie tonight.  ______ is the sequel to our favorite movie!

What is I and it?
Spelling word # 249, #206, and #221

What is: 

# 249: v-u-l-n-e-r-a-b-l-e

#206: s-c-h-e-m-e 


Daily Double:

i think mom said you could have phrased that more politely

I think mom said, "You could have phrased that more politely."

I think mom said you could have phrased that more politely.

"I think," mom said, "You could have phrased that more politely."



Identify the verb(s) in the following sentence: 

Katherine and I drove to the mall to go shopping and bought a ton of stuff.

What is drove and bought?
At first, I wanted to go for a walk.  __________ it was lightning out.  ________ I read a book.

What is:

At first, I wanted to go for a walk. _(However, Unfortunately) it was lightning out. __Instead_____ I read a book.

Identify the proper pronoun and the antecedent that helped you figure it out:

While Sarah and Jack were watching the movie, ________ heard a loud scream from outside and jumped in fright.

What is they because of Sarah and Jack?
Spelling word #188. #143, 120, & #40

What is: 



#120: i-n-e-p-t

#40: b-i-a-n-n-u-a-l

Name three capitalization rules.
What are:

Titles (important words in), proper noun, beginning of sentence, beginning of quote sentence, cities, nationalities, languages, countries, certain time periods, days, months, and holidays.


Identify the adjective in the following sentence(s):

I bought a soft yellow ball for the baby to play with.

What is soft and yellow?
Jacki (want/wants) to buy a new watch and (need/needs) to buy some new clothes for school.

What is: Jacki (wants) to buy a new watch and (needs) to buy some new clothes for school.

Name three object pronouns.
What are me, him, her, you, them, it, and us.
#77, #67, #118, #131

77: d-e-s-i-r-a-b-l-e

67: c-o-n-t-i-n-u-o-u-s

118: i-n-c-o-n-v-e-n-i-e-n-c-e

131: l-e-i-s-u-r-e

152: n-e-g-l-i-g-e-n-c-e

Name four rules for comma use.
What are:

FANBOYS, serial comma (list), asides/non-essentials, introductory phrase/clause/words, two or more coordinate adjectives, distinct pause or shift, end of sentence refers back to the beginning or middle, geographical names, dates, title with name (m.d.), between main discourse and a quotation, and when needed for clarification.


Identify the nouns(s) and their pronouns and whether the pronouns are clear/unclear in the following sentence(s):

We watched Harry Potter last night.  What movie did you watch and was it good?

What is

Pronouns: We (unclear), You (unclear), It (clear-movie)

Nouns: Harry Potter, movie

Explain the rule for when we use good and when we use well.  Give examples of each.
Good is used for nouns (a good sticker) while well is used for verbs (i want my steak well-done).