What is the name of the deepest layer of skin
Name the Condition: A bright red circular rash with well-defined borders and a scaly texture.
Ring Worm / Pin Worm
Where does digestion begin?
The mouth (mechanical digestion and amylase ENZ)
Oral thrush is a build-up of bacteria
Candida albicans
The recommended strength of sunscreen is an SPF
over _____.
Minimum of 30 SPF
What layer of the skin contains the majority of nerve endings and blood vessels that supply the skin?
What family of pathogens cause both Athlete's Foot and ringworm?
Fungal Pathogens.
What is the most extended tube in the digestive system that does not actively digest food?
What type of food should be avoided to reduce symptoms of GERD?
Do not eat spicy foods.
The class of medications used to treat GERD are:
Proton pump inhibitors
Melanocytes are specialized cells that block UV radiation and protect us from sun damage. In which layer of the skin are they located?
Please define Benign Vs. Malignant Cancers
Benign = non-cancerous; grows slowly and remains localized.
Malignant = cancerous; grows rapidly and spreads to other body parts.
Which organ in the GI tract is responsible for initiating the breakdown of Proteins using strong acids?
How is GERD different from Gastritis? What parts of the GI Tract do each affect?
Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining/mucosa while GERD affects the esophagus.
Albendazol is a medication used to treat:
Antiparasitic medication
The skin provides a strong hydrophobic barrier. What protein composes up to 90% of the epidermis, giving the skin strong waterproof properties?
The ABCDEs is a technique used to detect early warning signs of what type of cancer?
Melanoma (Skin cancer)
Name the different sections of the small intestine. Which section of the small intestine is the first to receive chyme from the stomach?
Sections of the small intestine: Duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.
The Duodenum is the first section of the small intestine, which receives chyme from the stomach along with other enzymes from supporting organs.
Steroid Sprays, like Albuterol, are a common risk factor for what GI track condition?
Oral Thrush
Both Athlete's Foot and Ringworm are treated with which class of medication?
Antifungal Meds
Name two proteins that give the dermis structural integrity/elasticity and are prone to sun damage.
Collagen and Elastin Proteins.
Please Define what the ABCDEs of cancer diagnosis stand for and what cancer they are implicated in.
ABCDEs: A simple way to help people recognize warning signs of melanoma, which is the most serious type of skin cancer, and bring it up to their medical provider.
The majority of Nutrient absorption takes place in the ________.
Small intestine.
What can someone eat to relieve constipation (Yes this is for 500)
Fiber, Murilax (Fiber maxing)
In severe cases of fungal infection for which topical antifungal medications do not work, which medication can be used to stop the production of the fungal mitotic spindle?