Two recommendations to prevent skin cancer
Use sunscreen, avoid chemical exposure
Different between abduction and adduction movement
Cause of dry skin and poor tugor
Tool to assess pressure ulcer
Braden Scale (risk), PUSH Tool (healing)
Two tests to assess capal tunnel syndrome
Tinal test and Phalen test
List two health complications with obesity
Cardiovascular disease, HTN, DM, cancer, sleep apnea, immune system disorders
How many stages in pressure injury wound
4 and unstagable
Stage 1: Non-blanching erythema . Stage 2: loss of partial thickness of the skin (Skin tear) Stage 3: full thickness ulcer (Subcutaneous fat). Stage 4: full thickness ulcer( muscle, tendon,or bone)
What does bony bumps on the finger joint closest to the fingernail called
Bony bumps on the finger joint closest to the fingernail are called Heberden's nodes.
Bony bumps on the middle joint of the finger are known as Bouchard's nodes.
Class of obesity with BMI of 34.5
Class 1 obesity, if BMI is 30.0 to 34.9.
Class 2 obesity, if BMI is 35.0 to 39.9.
Class 3 obesity, if BMI 40 and above
List two common primary skin lesions
Macule, patch, papule, plaque,nodule, tumor, vesicle, bulla, wheal, pustule, cyst
What is McMurray's test ssessing
Meniscus tear
Most important patient education for obesity
Life-style modification