What is an ICP?
ICP is a predefined set of demographic, technographic, and sales trigger characteristics which indicate a potential customer will receive the maximum value from a product/service.
Lack of Need (“I Already Have a Solution”)
“Glad you have everything covered with them. One more question before I go – if they could do one thing better, what would it be?”
“How’s your experience been so far?”
Which product would be most beneficial to a company struggling with the high cost of managing export compliance?
What is the ideal number of touchpoints in a sequence for cold outbound outreach?
Qualification criteria: Early opportunity?
Follows ‘SNPW’ segment, need, persona, willingness to engage. These opportunities are most often OUTBOUND leads generated by BDEs.
Manufacturers. Organizations with direct control of in-house manufacturing operations.
Lack of Money
Execution from the shopfloor to the top floor, and from supplier to end customer?
What does it mean to multi thread an account?
Developing relationships with multiple decision-makers on the purchasing side rather than pursuing one contact
Qualification criteria: Late opportunity?
Late stage opps: These opps follow ATU- authority timeline urgency. Authority, timeline, urgency
manufacturing, distribution, and wholesale.
Lack of Urgency
“If [premise summary] isn’t a priority for you right now, I’d welcome a shot to understand the business challenges you and your execs are trying to navigate. That way, we can determine together if there’s even a future fit worth discussing for our two organizations. I can’t imagine a quick 10 min would be a waste. Fair?
QAD Financials is a key component of QAD product(s)?
Adaptive ERP
What is the ideal timeline for an opportunity to sit at an DA stage?
7 days (1 week)
When does an opp hit S1?
Once internal call is held and rep wants to pursue lead. Handoff call is also set and accepted by all parties. tween the Sales Rep and the prospect or customer.
Manufacturers in both start up to LE specifically focused on the operations persona
Lack of Trust
Which product can help an organization stay in compliance with ISO9100?
What is the ideal timeline for an opportunity to sit at stage 1 before advancing?
Ideally 60 days, there are exceptions to this and this is sales job to properly advance
Proper way to log Prospect—Rep Handoff call?
Once a call is qualified by above criteria, and the BDE executes a handoff call with assigned rep, they go into SFDC and log ask a new task “Sales— Prospect Rep Handoff Call”
All mfg and SC customers can benefit from Process Intelligence however larger customers (annual
revenue >$500M) typically get a better ROI. This is a result of base pricing compared against the monetary savings expected to come from an XX percentage improvement of
a business process (like P2P, O2C, etc). A 30% improvement of a $1M process provides
faster ROI than the same percentage against a $100k process.
"Sure, I can send you an email, but before I do, can you tell me what specific information you'd like to see in that email so I can tailor it to your needs?"
"What happens after the email. Let's schedule time to discuss XYZ"
A company with high direct spends can benefit most from which solution?
How many prospecting activities should BDE's be doing on a daily basis
Aim for at least 50 meaningful touch points a day (mixture of emails, LI messages and cold calls)
What is an initial qualification call?
BDE connects with prospect whether in meeting or phone call to uncover details based on SNPW and ATU