Anatomy 1
Anatomy 2
Positioning 1
Positioning 2
Positioning 3
This bone makes up 1/4 of the roof of the mouth and is also assists in forming part of the orbit.
What is the Palatine bone
These are the smallest bone in the skull
What are the Lacrimal Bones
This is the degree of the angle between the OML and the IOML
What is 7 degrees
This positioning landmark is the smooth elevation that is located between the superciliary arches
What is the Glabella
This line extends from the EAM to the outer canthus
What is the Orbitomeatal Line (OML)
The sella turcia is located on this bone
What is the sphenoid bone
The temporal process projects posteriorly from which bone
What is the Zygomatic
These structures should always be imaged with the patient in an upright position
What are sinuses
The acanthion is a positioning landmark located on this bone(s)
What is the Maxilla(e)
The central ray should be directed here for the lateral projection of the sinuses
What is ½'' to 1" posterior to outer canthus
This is the anterior process of the Ramus
What is the Coronoid process
These sinuses are well developed and aerated at birth to be shown radiographically.
What are the Maxillary Sinuses

For the PA axial projection, Caldwell, of the sinuses this is the angulation and direction of the central ray

What is O degrees and horizontal

These two positioning lines and/or planes should be perpendicular to the IR for the PA projection to show the Mandibular Rami
What is the OML and MSP
This is the angulation and direction of the CR for the Waters Method of the Facial Bones
What is Perpendicular
This bone comprises most of the lateral wall of the orbit
What is the Zygomatic

These sinuses fully develop around the age of 17 to 18 years

what is all sinuses

These two paranasal sinus groups are best demonstrated with the SMV projection
What are the Ethmoidal and Sphenoidal sinuses
This is the angulation and direction of the CR for the Exaggerated Caldwell of the orbits
What is 30 degrees caudal
This positioning line should form a 37 degree angle with the IR for the Parietoacanthial projection, Waters method
What is the Orbitomeatal Line (OML)

These facial bones have alveolar processes

What is the Maxillae 

Mandible - portion

In the brachycephalic skull, the angle formed between the MSP and the petrous pyramids is ______ degrees
What is 54 degrees
When the axiolateral oblique projection is performed to demonstrate the mandibular body, this is how the patient's head should be positioned.
What is rotated 30 degrees toward IR (from true lateral)

For the Tangential projection for the Zygomatic arches, once the patients IOML is parallel to the IR, this must be done to complete the positioning

What is rotate MSP of head 15 degrees toward side being examined. Tilt top of head 15 degrees away from side being examined

This projection of the skull can be correctly performed with the central ray angled 37 degrees
What is the AP axial, Towne Method