What are Sky's 2 favorite foods?
Sushi and Mac and Cheese
Who's Sky's longest-lasting relationship partner?
What is Sky's major? (don't forget the track she's on)
Theatre Arts on a performance creation track
What instrument can Sky play?
Who is Sky living with next year?
Katie, Ingrid, Daphine, Annika
What was Sky's first job?
Cleaner at Diamond Dust
Who was Sky's childhood crush?
Elijah Faulstich
What did Sky score the highest on the ACT?
What is Sky's favorite dance type?
Who is Sky's favorite St.Peter teacher?
Mr. Deering
What is Sky's love language?
What boy made made Sky cry the most?
Solomon Potek
What college was Sky going to go to before committing to Minnesota?
American Music and Dramatic Academy (AMDA)
If Sky weren't going into performance she would...
Own a restaurant or bakery
Who was Sky's number-one enemy in high school?
Brogan Hanson
What was the first club/sport I was in?
Who did Sky have her first date with?
John Borgmeier
What class was Sky's worst grade in high school?
MSU Poli Sci
What is my favorite alcoholic beverage?
Lemon Drop Martini
Who is Sky's biggest inspiration? (Not counting anyone here)
Aunt Marla
What was the first breed of dog Sky wanted
Bulldog or Pug
What poster/ who was on the poster did Sky kiss with lipstick when she was little?
Rango/Johnny Depp
Name all the extracurriculars (18) Sky was in in high school
Cross Country, Student Council (President), Project 4 Teens, Dance, Varsity Speech Team, Musical, One Act, 3 Act-Play(Theatre Board Member), Class Officer (Vice President), Social Justice Club (Founding member), Concert Band, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Pep band, Concert Choir (Soprano Choir Board Member), Chambers Choir, Women's Choir, National Honor Society
How many shows have I been in/a part of? Extra 200 points, What was my favorite role?)
24, Zani in Pinocchio
Who is SKy's all-time favorite actor/actress from whom she takes inspiration?
Jennifer Lawrence