The Earth revolves around the Sun every...
What is 365 days?
How do we see light from the Moon?
What is a reflection from the Sun?
Name all of the planets in order
What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune
What is the science of constellations called?
What is astronomy?
Does the Sun emit or reflect light?
What is emit?
When the Sun is lowest in the sky and we see the LEAST amount of sunlight, this is called...
What is Winter Solstice
How often does the Moon orbit the Earth?
Which planets are considered the rocky planets?
Name 1 constellation that is visible all year.
What is Ursa Major and Ursa Minor?
What is a comet made of?
What is dust, rocks and ice?
If it is Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, what season is it in the Southern Hemisphere?
What is Fall/Autumn?
What is the difference between Waxing and Waning?
What is the amount of light seen. Waxing means getting bright, Waning means losing energy or getting dimmer.
What are considered the 'gas giants'?
What is the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune)?
What is a constellation?
What is a group of stars that create pictures in the sky. There are many different stories and myths about the creation of these.
What is a meteoroid?
what is space rocks outside of the asteroid belt that orbit the Sun?
What are the 2 main reasons we have seasons?
What is the revolution and tilt of the Earth?
If we are starting a new lunar cycle, what is the first moon?
What is the New Moon?
Which 2 planets do NOT have any Moons?
What is Mercury & Venus?
What is Polaris also known as?
What is the North Star?
What is a meteoroid that enters Earth's atmosphere called?
What is a meteor?
What day is the Vernal (Spring) Equinox?
What is March 21?
If we are currently seeing a Waning Gibbous Moon, what is the phase we will see next?
What is the Last Quarter?
What is the separation between inner planets and outer planets called?
What is the asteroid belt?
Which direction to constellations move in the sky?
What is counter-clockwise?
What is a meteoroid called that makes its way to Earth and causes craters in the ground?
What is a meteorite?