This pet is one of the rarest drops from any mob in the game
What is phoeonix pet (idfk how to spell that)
Used to be used by mages but got nerfed now its mainly used as a way to gain extra defense for a small amount of time
What is pigman sword
This item gives the user 100 strenght for a bit of health
Sword of bad health
Only pet in the game that provides a negative stat
What is jerry pet
Wepon thats usually used for specific dungens routes
sinseeker scythe
This drop can be upgraded into 4 diffrent versions
What is necrons handle
This item is disabled most of the time
Souls rebound
This item makes the user deal and take less dmg from animals
Edible mace
These pets outperform the wolf pet in combat exp gained on slayers
What is enderman Tarantula ghoul and wisp
What is sorrow
This wepon has the highest ability dmg even outdmging a hyperion
What is midas staff / ink wand
This item reduces the amount of knockback a certain wepon dose
What is dragonfused glove
This item allows you to gain extra rift time
This boss has 2 of the rarest drops in the game what are they?
Enrager / tentacle dye
This unobtainable bow used to be the best bow in the game
What is the magma bow
This item stuns the enamy in place
What is fire freeza staff
This mob can drop the most amount of dyes
What is a sea archer
This slayer has the most expensive that can be obtained from a slayer
This Fishing weapon attaches to a mob and allows you to dmg from long range
What is phantom rod
This item gives 40 strenght and 30 speed on use
Weirder tuba
Currently unobtainable pet created by a bug
What is mythic armadillo