The club everyone went to in freshman and sophomore year of high school
What is chess club?
"Is Brandon really gay?
Who is Matthew?
This debate between Anim, Fabi and Brandon was deciding the category of this clothing.
What is a hoodie?
Name of the Minecraft PVP game the Skype call played the most.
What is The Walls?
Goes to this college
What is Hunter College?
Fell asleep in the Skype call once and snored with his mic on
Who is Faiyaad?
*Joins call*
*Leaves call*
Who is Wayho?
This Skype member commonly posted pictures of Macs on peoples' walls for their birthday.
Who is Anim?
These two people bought Artic PUBG and never got paid back for it.
Who are Mark and Fabi?
His major in Brooklyn Tech
What is electromechanical engineering?
The name of the grandfather skype call before the League Schism™
What is the Sidewalk?
"Why are Jennifer Aniston's nipples so excited no matter what she does?"
Who is Zarbail?
Name of the artist of "Take U to Da movies"
Who is Ur boy Bangs (UBB3)?
Mark's League IGN after GenericAsianKid1
What is Marku?
The series of 5 Zarbail pictures known as the 5 Stages of __
What are the 5 Stages of Z doing HW?
These four people went to 6 Flags in 2014
Who are Alex, Mark, Anim, and Bromberg?
(In response to seeing 2 League icons on the task bar)
"Double the league... Cause league is life, double the life"
Who is Matthew?
The nickname of the place Anim has to go to every few years
What is mudland?
The first Skype call member to play Hearthstone
Who is Bromberg?
Lost his weed at this event.
What is Anim's graduation party?
Name of the only black kid in our Skype history
Who is Justin Grant?
"I'm gonna email my teacher naked pictures of myself, and then tell everyone he told me to do it so he gets in trouble."
Who is Bromberg? (10/7/13)
The name of the place Matthew once gave as the reason he could not scrim
What is Vermont?
The League of Legends IGN of Grushin.
What is BigTitsMax?
Famously hid his weed here
What is a computer tower?