Where do you keep your computer while you are at school?
Under the board
Where do you keep your spelling words
In your bin
When I am walking in the hallway it is a good time to talk to my friends
Someone doing something that is annoying. I count to 10 then ask them to stop nicely. They hear me but do not stop. What should I do.
Tell a teacher and let them handle it.
Where can you find the papers for spelling tasks that are not your word work?
organizer on the shelf in front of the windows
When should you go to the bathroom?
During breakfast/Morning time
During Snack time
When I finish work
When we transition from one activity to another
If someone says I'm wrong about something when I know I'm right what should I tell them?
What can you do when you finish your work for a block period
Color, Draw, Read a book or put your head down/sleep
Must be by yourself and quiet
Only 2 people in the bathroom at a time
The bathroom in not a place to hang out and talk
I should talk with a quiet voice because classes are learning around me
You must wash your hands
I must ask to use the bathroom so my teacher knows where I am
True or False
If my pencil breaks during the day I should go sharpen it.
False -
Get one of the other 3 pencils you have and then sharpen it tomorrow morning.
What are the 3 tasks you complete for Block time?
Read to self
When can you go to your locker?
During Breakfast / Get ready time
During pack up time
When I get ready for recess or come in from recess
If I need something in the middle of a lesson (not related to the lesson) what should I do?
Talk quietly to one of the teachers that are not teaching the class at that moment
How long is each block of block time?
15 minutes
List at least 3 things you should do to get ready at the beginning of the day
Get breakfast
Take stuff to your locker
Change out of boots
Put your folder in the bin
Sharpen 3 pencils
Put your Chromebook on the charger
Put your snack/lunchbox in your cubby