True or False
Tough Situations
Info to Know
Heat Illnesses

at what temperature do we do 1 hour rotations?



ipad sun shades are optional in the summer

True or False

false! every ipad needs a sunshade during the summer to limit overheating


while on a runner position is it okay for the runners to keep coming inside to get water and relax?

no. runners should have water outside with them & the expectation is that there is no coming inside while running.


what are some tools we can use to get through the summer heat swiftly?

lots of water, sunscreen, hats, cooling towels, ice hugs 


what are the two major heat illness we need to keep an eye out for during the summer heat?

heat exhaustion and heat stroke


at what temperature do we do 30 min rotations ?



ice hugs are madatory

True or False

false, but they are highly recommended


if someone tells you they are not feeling good in the heat what are the proper next steps 

ensure they are drinking water, ensure they are using an ice hug or cold towel, ask if they have eaten, let them take a 5min break in the back


when we have to pull runners inside, what should we do with the extra bodies in shop since they cant go outside?

send people home or on break! max amount of people we should have in shop while runners are pulled is 6


what are some symptoms of heat exhaustion? 

faint or dizzy / excessive sweating / cool, pale or clammy skin / nausea or vomiting / rapid, weak pulse / muscle cramps 


at what temperature do we sling shot run?



if it is 102 and someone makes sure to stay under the shaded area, they can run for the full 2 hour rotation 

false. the shade is nice during the summer heat but it is not an exception to the temperature guidelines 


someone comes into shift saying they haven't eaten today and you notice them grabbing pastries to eat throughout shift. what do you do?

coach them. let them know that they should have eaten before shift and taken care of themselves because now they are hopping off their positions to eat and also they need to pay for the pastries because they are supposed to be for the customers. 


if someone feels like they are overheating should we bring them into the fridge to cool off or bring them to a chair in the back to sit ?

chair in the back! never go into the fridge, the body can not handle such a drastic temperature shift and can go into shock 


what are some symptoms of heat stroke?

throbbing headache / no sweating / body temperature is above 103 / red, hot and dry skin / nausea or vomiting / strong and rapid pulse / loss of consciousness


at what temperature do we pull runners inside?

115 or higher


if someone is wearing a nike hat to shift because they don't have a dutch wear hat, this is okay in the summer !

True or False

false! we still need to follow dress code rules and they need to use one of the dutch bros branded hats we have in the shop


if someone tells you they have medical reasons that limit them from being able to go out in the heat, what do you need to do?

trick question

if someone has medical exceptions to going outside you would already know, because we would tell you! 


what do we need to do as leaders when it hits 115 and we have to pull the runners inside ?

message the managers to let them know, put out the extreme weather sign at the beginning of the line and keep an eye on the temp


what do you do if someone is experiencing heat exhaustion ?

get them into air conditioning, have them drink water and use a cold compress


if it is 95 degrees at 10pm, what roations do we follow?

none, summer heat policy runs from 8am-8pm


if someone volunteers to stay outside and run when it is 115 degrees outside, because they don't mind the heat, that is fine. But only if they volunteer!

True or False

false! After 115 there are NO RUNNERS ALLOWED outside


if someone feels like they are going to pass out from the heat what do we do ?

have them lay on the ground with their feet elevated and if they can not lay down have them sit on the floor with their head between their legs


what are the 10 training days for trainees during the summer ?

shots 1, shots 2, milk 1, milk 2, jamba 1, jamba 2, run/window 1, run/window 2, review 1, review 2


what do you do if someone is experiencing heat stroke ?

take immediate action to cool the person down 

if person becomes unconscious call 911