The most spoken, written, and widely scattered language/
What is English?
Your professor's first & last name
What is Diane Jandron?
Name four modes of communication.
What are: singing, talking, vocalizing, crying, writing, facial expression/body posture, proximity, tone of voice, inflection, gesture, drawing, and pointing?
Between 1600 and now, how was English carried to every corner of the globe?
What is by armies, navies, companies, and expeditions?
The state where your professor & TA lived for more than 7 years.
What is Arizona?
Daily Double: it is elaborate, sophisticated, and evolved overtime and constantly evolving.
What is communication (or language).
The Industrial Revolution created these, which also spread English.
What are roads, canals, and trains?
Your professors hometown.
What is Ishpeming?
The three extralinguistic types of information we process as a part of language.
What are paralinguistic, nonlinguistic, and metalinguistic.
Who are the Germanic tribes, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes? (name at least one)
Your professor's heritage
What is Finnish?
Four types of nonlinguistic cues.
What are gestures, body posture, facial expression, eye contact, head & body movement, and physical distance?
The outward and visible signs of belonging to the professional middle class.
What was the Received Pronunciation?
Your TA's cat name.
What is Lem?
The earliest form of communication from an infant is considered to be this.
What is reflexive?