The Plot Thickens
Author, Author!
Title Trivia
Character Craze
Location is Everything

The invasion begins with a simple thing--rain.  But that rain carries seeds which creates new plants-- and these new plants begin to take over.  Before they take over the Earth--can they be stopped by our heroes ? 

What is Bloom ? 

This author wrote Jinxed

Who is Amy McCullough ? 


A spy thriller that puts our hero on a chase around the world to save Einstein's last equation.  Can she do it before it falls in the wrong hands? 

What is Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation ? 


This character survived being struck by a bolt of lightning that then changes her life. 

Who is Lucy from The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl ? 


This novel takes place at a refugee camp in Kenya. 

What is When Stars are Scattered? 


A boy befriends a World War II hero returning from the war to their small South Carolina town.  What will lessons will he learn about the effects of racism and the Jim Crow Laws of the South ? 

What is The Unsung Hero of Birdsong, USA ? 


This author wrote Bloom

Who is Kenneth Oppel ? 


This modern day cautionary tale focuses on a protest against cameras in the classroom after the main character is the victim of a security hack.  Her video is posted for the entire school to see. This is her story.  

What is Me and Banksy? 


This character was a child when soldiers attacked his small village causing him and his brother to be separated from their family.   

Who is Omar from When Stars are Scattered? 


This novel takes place during a frightening natural disaster in the deep woods of Maine. 

What is Wildfire ? 


In this title the character survives a lightning strike that turns her into a math genius.   But before she goes to college early--she must survive one year of middle school.   With her lack of social skills --can she accomplish just four basic tasks to achieve her goal?     

What is The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl? 


This author wrote The Unteachables 

Who is Gordon Korman ? 


This thriller tells the story of a girl obsessed with coding and the customizable pets known as 'bakus'.  She eventually repairs her own baku and gets more than she bargained for in this action packed story. 

What is Jinxed? 


This character is a teacher one year from an early retirement when he is assigned to teach a difficult group of students. 

Who is Mr. Kermit from The Unteachables? 


This book takes place in the unruly homeroom of  room 117 at public high school SCS-8. 

What is The Unteachables? 


This adventurous mystery begins with the rumor of buried treasure beneath a park playground in this friendly, small town.  Everyone is reeling.  Why is it there? Who buried it? Can it be found?  No one's secrets are safe as this mystery unfolds.  

What is Coop Knows the Scoop? 


These authors wrote Becoming Muhammad Ali

Who are James Patterson and Kwame Alexander? 


This realistic fiction novel tells the story of a character obsessed with basketball, but is challenged when his life circumstances change and he ends up in a wheelchair.  Can he continue with the sport he loves? 

What is Bouncing Back ? 


This character was born in a prison and dreams of a life outside of the prison walls.  One day he makes his escape.  

Who is Pong from A Wish in the Dark ? 


This novel takes place in the small town of Windy Bottom, Georgia

What is Coop Knows the Scoop? 


All the light in the town of Chattana is created by one man.  A boy born into the prison system sees these lights as a sign of hope and freedom.  When he escapes, the prison warden's daughter goes on a manhunt to find him.  But what truths will they both discover about life on the outside of the prison while on the run? 

What is A Wish in the Dark? 


These authors cowrote When Stars are Scattered

Who are Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed ? 


This title tells the story of an American icon through age 17.   After struggling in school, facing racism and finally having his bike stolen, he decides to take up a sport that will change his identity and course in life.   

What is Becoming Muhammed Ali? 


This character receives a package meant for someone else.  She feels compelled to deliver it.  The problem is no one in her world ever leaves their residence.  

Who is Cleo Porter from Cleo Porter and the Body Electric? 


This novel takes place on a road trip through the Deep South

What is Clean Getaway?