A patient tells you that their "nerves are bad".
What is anxiety?
A hit dog will holler.
If someone makes a general criticism and a person responds loudly or defensively, this statement implies that the person is reacting because the criticism hit close to home
A patient says "my sugar is high."
What is diabetes?
It don't amount to a hill of beans.
What is something that is insignificant or unimportant?
A patient complains that his stomach has been "tore up."
What is diarrhea?
Over yonder.
A patient tells you about one of her children who is "touched."
What is mentally delayed/intellectual disability
Might could.
"I might could help you with that."
What is a Southern way of expressing possibility?
A patient tells you they have been "big boned" most of their life.
What is overweight?
Running round like a chicken with its head cut off.
What is a person who is moving around frantically?
A patient tells you that lately she has been feeling "just about wore out."
What is fatigue/exhaustion?
What is energetically dancing?
A patient tells you that it's going to rain since uncle Arthur is acting up.
What is arthritis?
Fixin' to.
What is "getting ready to" or "about to" do something?
A patient tells you that he "has fluid" or that he is "holding water".
What is edema?
Get it how you live.
What is "do whatever you need to do to survive or succeed"?
A patient says that their pressure is up.
What is hypertension?
What is confirmation?
A patient says that her dogs are barking.
What is foot pain?
Drop the ball.
What is to mess something up or fail at something?