Of European colonists, African slaves and the affranchis (free mulattoes), this group made up most of Haiti's population in 1789.
Who were the African slaves?
(There were ~500k. There were ~32k Europeans and ~24k affranchis.)
After the Spanish exhausted the principal gold mines on the eastern portion of the island of Hispaniola, this European country took control the area and increased the import of African slaves.
What is France?
A slave rebellion happened on this ship when it was near the coast of Cuba on July 2, 1839.
What is the Amistad?
Because of revolutionary principles and rising tensions in Haiti, the new French Revolutionary government abolished this in 1793.
What is slavery?
This leader of France after the French Revolution ordered his army to re-conquer Haiti and re-establish slavery in 1802.
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte (later Napoleon I)?
A central figure of the Haitian Revolution, he conquered the French colony in 1801 and held off French attempts to re-conquer Haiti. He agreed to an armistice with France in 1802. Then the French broke it and imprisoned him in France until his death in 1803.
Who is Toussaint Louverture?
This colony on the eastern portion of Hispaniola was, due to its production of sugar, coffee, and indigo, the most profitable of France's claimed territory in the Americas.
What is Haiti (or Saint-Domingue)?
This violent revolution, which lasted from roughly 1791 to 1804, resulted in the second independent country formed from a former European colony and first established by former slaves.
What is the Haitian Revolution?
This agreement between the United States and France doubled the territory of the US while helping France regain funds they lost fighting in Haiti. It also signaled that France would withdraw from the Americas and focus elsewhere.
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
In 1741, this city had the highest population of enslaved persons in the thirteen British colonies.
What is Charleston, South Carolina?
This group of Haiti's colonial population were caught in the middle of class and racial struggles. They were of mixed race, free, and sometimes owned slaved. When the French Revolutionary Government gave them citizenship, the white planter class in Haiti protested.
Who were the affranchis?
This US state is where the trial of the Amistad mutineers took place. The US Navy towed the boat here because slavery was still legal.
What is Connecticut?
Occurring in Southampton, Virginia, in 1831, it was the deadliest slave rebellion in the United States, and many slaveholders blamed it on David Walker's Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World.
What is Nat Turner's Rebellion?
The story of the men who mutinied on the Amistad helped to build sympathy among this group of activists, who were attempting to abolish slavery in all US states.
Who were the abolitionists?
In 1741, this city had the second highest population of enslaved persons in the thirteen British colonies.
He was the Haitian revolutionary who led the decisive defeat of French forces in 1803 that secured Haiti's independence. He would go on to declare himself Emperor of Haiti, but was killed suppressing a mulatto revolt in 1806.
Who was Jean-Jacques Dessalines?
Some areas of this country hoped they could trade with the newly independent Haitians so they avoid trading with European countries; other areas wanted to suppress news of the revolution to prevent uprisings among slaves. Either way, the country didn't recognize Haitian independence until 1862.
What is the United States?
In 1739, Lieutenant Governor William Bull put down this slave rebellion in South Carolina as they attempted to escape to Spanish Florida.
What is the Stono Rebellion?
France would not recognize Haiti's independence until Haiti agreed to do this. And this is a big reason why Haiti remains a poor country to this day.
What is pay indemnity? (That is, pay France for a portion of the income it lost from no longer controlling Haiti. France required Haiti to pay them 100 million francs over a period from 1825 to 1887.)
This US President hoped to return the Amistad mutineers to Cuba to help his re-election chances with slave-holding states.
Who was Martin Van Buren?
He was the leader of the mutiny on the Amistad.
Who was Joseph Cinqué?
The 35 surviving Africans who were part of the Amistad mutiny finally arrived to this country in Africa in 1842.
What is Sierra Leone?
This was the year France recognized Haiti's independence.
What is 1825?
The judge in the trial of the Amistad mutineers ruled in their favor because he determined that they were victims of what crime?
What is kidnapping?
A leader of the Haitian Revolution, he declared himself king in 1811 and improved Haiti's economy, but at the cost of forcing former slaves to return to plantation work.
Who is Henri Christophe?