REM Sleep
Sleep Hygiene
Sleep Vocabulary

Rapid Eye Movement where our eyes can be seen to move under our eyelids.

What is 'REM' stand for?


As a result of heightened activity, this occurs during REM sleep.

What is when dreaming.


Impaired memory and thought processes, depression, decreased immune response, fatigue, increased pain, impaired ability to learn and concentrate, weight gain, poor judgment, slower reaction time, irritability, moodiness and an increase in stress hormones.

What are the consequences of getting too little sleep?


The state of being attentive to and aware of what is taking place in the present.

What is mindfulness?


Spending time with friends, writing in a journal, reading going for a walk outside, diaphragmatic breathing and yoga are all example of this.

What are activities that help to reduce stress?


4-5 times per night.

What is the number of times we experience REM sleep per night?


 We have 3-5 of these per night.

What is the number of dreams we have per night?


Improved memory and attention, living longer, increased creativity, increased energy/stamina, lower stress, decreased anxiety and depression as well as helping the body to make repairs and lowers inflammation.

What are the benefits of getting a good night's sleep?


Caused by a blockage of the airway during sleep. and known as OSA.

What is obstructive Sleep Apnea?


Term used that describes activities such as deep breathing, guided imagery, massage, meditation and mindfulness, progressive muscle relaxation and yoga.

What are relaxation techniques.


Approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep.

What is the length of time it takes, after we fall asleep, for REM sleep to start?


Having auditory dreams.

How someone who is blind from birth dreams?


Items such as caffeine, alcohol, big meals, too many liquids or activities such as smoking, using technology sitting in bright lights, engaging in major exercise and cold showers.

What are things to avoid before going to sleep.


The condition in which people fall asleep no matter where they are or what they are doing.

What is Narcolepsy?


To reduce stress, this activity sends a message to your body and brain to calm down and slow down, enlarges your diaphragm and can be done almost anywhere.

What is diaphragmatic breathing?


This beverage disrupts or stops you from reaching REM sleep which is important for concentration, memory and mood. It relaxes the throat which can worsen snoring, raises the stress hormone epinephrine which can stimulate the body and cause nighttime awakenings and may account for up to 10% of cases of persistent insomnia or other related disorders.


What is alcohol?


Your brain remaining at a lower level of cognition throughout the entirety of the dreaming process makes it hard for most people to do this.

What is remember their dreams or what they even dreamt about just the night before.


Actions such as going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day, taking a warm bath/shower, listening to music, engaging in relaxation techniques, drinking decaffeinated tea, doing diaphragmatic breathing, maintaining a regular bedtime routine, exercising during the day, using lavender oil, having white noise on, reading and stretching.

What are things you can do before going to bed that help you fall asleep?


The condition when a person is afraid of sleep.

What is Somniphobia?


This activity helps to produce endorphins in your brain that tend to block the feeling of pain, can be associated with a feeling of euphoria, and helps to push the re-set button which is good for your body and your mind.    

What is exercise?


What are: N1, the transitional time between wakefulness and sleep, lasting a few minutes; N2, the time of light sleep, lasting about 20 minutes, with reduced heart rate and body temperature; N3, the time of deep sleep, lasting about 30 minutes, with slow brain waves and muscle relaxation; and REM, the time of rapid eye movement, lasting about 90 minutes, with vivid dreams and increased brain activity.

What are the phases or stages of sleep that form a sleep cycle?


In REM sleep, this activity appears to take the painful sting out of difficult, even traumatic emotional episodes experienced during the day, offering emotional resolution when you awake the next morning.  In non-REM sleep, it can help improves creative problem solving.

What is dreaming?



Getting out of bed and engaging in a low stimulating activity like reading, watching television, etc. until you feel that you are about to fall asleep, then getting back into bed.

What the best thing to do is, if you wake during the night and are unable to fall back asleep after 15-20 min?


The ability to allow one hemisphere of the brain to sleep while the other half is awake. 

What is Unihemispheric Sleep?

Dolphins, Seals, Ducks, Whales, Manatees, Birds


The part of the nervous system that helps your body exit its fight-or-flight mode by providing signals from your brain to your body, regulating your: heart rate, taste, speech, skin sensations, muscle sensations, immune response, respiratory rate, blood pressure, mucus production, saliva production, digestion, frequency of urination, and mood.

What is the vagus nerve?