I plan when I am going to sleep and when I will wake up
Good sleep
I like stuffing myself with food like a turkey before going to bed.
Bad. Just bad overall.
What does it mean to binge? (can be correlated to sleeping)
Having too much of something: over indulging
Does alcohol help with sleep???
False: though it helps one get into sleep, it drastically decreases one's sleep quality making you feel drowsy in the morning.
It doesn't matter what time you sleep, the only ones that do matter are how long you sleep and your sleep quality.
False: The time that you sleep will determine what your schedule will be the day after.
I do all of my homework in the afternoon so I won't have to stay up late at night
Good Sleep
I eat high fiber foods NOT right before I go to bed.
Good sleep.
What is Sleep Quality?
How well one is getting rest, poor sleep quality is waking up during the night or having issues falling asleep.
The only thing that matters about sleep is the amount of hours :D
False: Sleep quality and "sleep hygiene" is equally as important to making you feel awake in the day.
The older you get, the less sleep you need.
True: Though it is important to note that sleep doesn't change as drastically and what truly changes is your sleeping pattern.
I get 7.9 hours of sleep every night at the age of 14 B)
Technically bad sleep since 13-18 year old's should get at least 8-10 hours of sleep
Taking a 2 hour nap before trying to go to sleep 3 hours later
Horrific sleep pal.
What is Sleep Hygiene?
They're similar to healthy habits with them being factors that support a good sleep.
What do people think they eat while they sleep?
Spiders: Although this is false due to spiders trying to avoid people.
Laying in bed with your eyes closed is as good as sleeping.
False: Although your body and eyes are resting, your mind is still active due to it not being in REM sleep
Studying before bed can be quite beneficial for the day after. Though I would personally not recommend studying for such a long time unless if fully planned out. In conclusion: Bad sleep.
Drinking 5 liters of beer before bed.
Doesn't sound that good. Have to give that a bad sleep chum.
What does REM sleep stand for?
Rapid-Eye-Movement. It is where majority of dreams take place.
People sleep the best in warmer rooms
False: People tend to sleep the best in cooler rooms 65-68 Fahrenheit though it can vary.
You can catch up on sleep when you do an all-nighter
False: Similar to time, sleep cannot be gained back, only be used so in the future you will be more productive.
have duke's sleep schedule
bad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I like watching tik toks, instagram reels, youtube shorts, and snap stories all night until the sun comes up before going to school :)
I mean they aren't sleeping so it's actually neither
What does NREM Sleep stand for?
Non Rapid Eye Movement. Where the body relaxes and everything slows down.
Snoring is harmless and cannot be controlled
False: Occasional snoring is normal, however constant loud snoring can be a sign of serious health issues.
If you have difficulty going to sleep, it is best to stay in bed as long as possible for maximum efficiency :]
False: It is best to get out of bed and do something NOT INVOLVING ELECTRONICS until you feel tired enough to get back to bed