Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition where the patient
stops breathing temporarily during sleep
What test can diagnose obstructive sleep apnea?
REM sleep provides what type of restoration?
What is the most common symptom of sleep disorders?
What is the gold standard for treating sleep apnea?
Positive Airway Pressure
Snoring occurs primary during what type of breathing?
Cessation of breathing is seen in which type of sleep apnea?
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
What type of sleep is referred to as “a quiet brain in a quiet body”?
Non rapid eye movement
What Mallampati score is indicative of sleep apnea?
3 or 4
What type of oral device creates a suction that holds the tongue forward in a bulb?
Tongue Retaining Device or TRD
Children who suffer from sleep disorders often have enlargement of what?
Tonsils and adenoids
What test monitors eye movements during the polysomnogram?
How many cycles of NRME and REM sleep does the typical person have every night?
What percentage of OSA patients are obese?
What is the most effective surgical procedure to reduce sleep apnea in children?
Most common sites of airway narrowing during sleep in adults is?
Retropalatal and retroglossal
A definitive diagnosis of sleep apnea is made based off what?
What type of sleep is referred to as “an active brain in a paralyzed body”?
Obstructive sleep apnea can increase what vital?
Blood Pressure
What is the most common oral appliance for OSA?
Mandibular advancement device or MAD
Obstructive symptoms occur only during sleep because?
the upper airway muscle tone decreases during sleep
What are the three types of sleep apnea?
Primary snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome, and OSA
NREM sleep provides what type of restoration?
Approximately what percentage of the population suffers from sleep related disorders?
Medical management of OSA involves what four things?
Behavioral modifications, surgery, oral appliances, & positive airway pressure