Sleep Facts
Sleep Environment
Helpful Sleep Habits
Sleep Routines
Sleep Myths

The number of hours sleep needed by the average person. 

7-9 hours 

What is the best environment for sleep? 

Quiet, dark, and cool.


Avoid this handheld source of blue light up to one hour before bed to help you sleep better.

cell phone or gaming console


True or False: Having a consistent routine and bedtime every night can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep at night.


A regular schedule maintains the timing of the body's internal clock.


True or False: Your body gets used to a lack of sleep.

A lack of sleep takes a toll on your body and brain. Less sleep at night means feeling more sleepy during the day, which can effect decision making, memory, and learning.


After sleep restores the body, it also improves energy levels along with this.



True or False: removing all light sources from your room can promote better sleep.


Block or remove sources of light in your room and in nearby hallways.


True or False: Hitting snooze on the alarm clock provides meaningful extra rest.


Snoozing doesn't give us enough time to go back into restorative sleep (aka REM sleep). It takes about 90 minutes of sleep to go into REM sleep.


Describe a way you can use your sense of smell in your nighttime routine to help you fall asleep.

lavender or chamomile or peppermint scents 


True or False: If you can't fall asleep, you should stay in bed until you can.

Experts recommend getting out of bed if you have spent 20 minutes trying to fall asleep.

Instead of tossing and turning in bed, it can be better to get up, do something relaxing in a quiet and dim setting such as reading a book.


Name three things you could do to relax your body to get ready for sleep

Have a set routine, read (a book), have a warm shower, exercise during the day, have a small healthy snack before bed, and have a cool, dark and quiet room.


It is a good idea to read a book on my i pad before bed.

False. The light from your i pad disrupts melatonin production which helps you fall asleep. Try reading a book the old fashioned way.


30 minutes of exposure to this natural light source during the day can help with sleep at night

What is sunlight?


Name something you can do to relax your mind and body before sleep.

What is using a weighted blanket, body sock, soft blankets, deep breathing, meditation, read a book, listen to soft/slow music, dim light, and/or calming scents.


True or False: Napping makes up for lack of sleep at night.


A quick nap can boost energy but it's not a substitute for quality sleep. Long naps can even throw you off your sleep schedule.


True or False: It is easier to fall asleep when you are stressed because your body is tired.


While you feel tried from stress, stress can negatively impact falling asleep, which can lead to waking up often and getting poor quality sleep.


Can sounds be beneficial in promoting sleep?


White noise can camouflage other disruptive sounds.


True or False: Taking a warm bath or shower may help you sleep better.

Doing this helps to create a drop in your body temperature which triggers the body to start preparing for sleep.


True or False: Exercise during the day can help your sleep at night.


Exercise can help your body relax at night, even if it happens during the day. Try to avoid moderate exercise 3 hours before bed because it can up your energy levels. 


True or False: Do not eat right before bed, even if you are hungry because it could lead to poor sleep.

Hunger pangs can make it difficult to fall and stay asleep! But you should avoid large meals right before bed.


True or False: If it takes you less than five minutes to fall asleep, you’re probably exhausted and sleep deprived


It’s normal to fall asleep between 10-20 minutes after going to bed.


Best room tempature for sleep?

between 65 to 68 degrees


Thing in drink you should not consume before bed



True or False: Everyone's sleep routine should be the same.


Every has a different brain with different needs! Your routine will look different than others!


True or False: Taking the pill version of melatonin automatically makes you fall asleep.


Your body's melatonin is still triggered by darkness, so if you are using blue light devices before bed this can stop your body's access to melatonin even when you take the pill version.