What can less than 7 hours of sleep a night do to you?
Can make you angry, stressed, sad, tired, lack energy, etc.
Is exercise good for sleep hygiene?
Yes, however you shouldn't exercise right before bed.
True or False: Sleep loss can cause mood disturbances.
What type of light can greatly affect your sleep (emitted by certain types of technology).
Blue light, emitted from phones, tablets, and computers can greatly impact your sleep.
If you have to nap during the day how long should your nap be?
30 minutes or less.
What are 2 types of sleep disorders?
Sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy
What is the most common substance out there that can hinder sleep when taken later in the day?
When should you stop eating before you go to bed?
2-3 hours before you plan to fall asleep.
True or False: You lose weight when you don't get enough sleep.
False - you may gain weight when you don't get enough sleep, as a lack of sleep can increase the hunger hormone, ghrelin, and decrease the appetite-control hormone, leptin.
What are 3 things that can cause insomnia?
Stress, physical or mental illness, sleeping arrangements, family history, work shifts, and diet and exercise habits.
What are some examples of a good bed time routine?
Turning off electronics, reading a book, going to bed and waking up at the same time everyday (including weekends), anything that helps you wind your mind and body down.
What are some functions of our brain that can be impacted by sleep loss?
Decreased attention, memory recall, judgement, reaction time, etc.