To Sleep or not to sleep? That is the question!
Everybody sleeps
Relax, Go To It!
The Fast and the Furious
If you cannot fall asleep within this allotted time frame, you should get out of bed and focus your energies on another task.
What is 20 minutes?

This Disney character was cursed to sleep for 100 years before a prince awakened her?

Who is Sleeping Beauty?


This is the number of stages that the Sleep Cycle consists of.

What is 5 stages?


This "exercise" is mild and focuses on stretching, which can help get someone ready for a good night's sleep.

What is Yoga?

Beverages containing this stimulant, should be avoided prior to bedtime.
What is caffeine?

This is the number of hours of sleep the average adult requires to function optimally

What is 7-9 hours?


This celebrity is so busy crafting and cooking with her buddy Snoop that she insists a mere 4 hours of sleep is sufficient.

Who is Martha Stewart?

This is the stage of The Sleep Cycle in which people dream.
What is Stage 5 (REM stage)?

Inhaling and Exhaling fully, while focusing on the inflation of your diaphragm, describes this technique.

What is diaphragmatic breathing? 

Too much of this "sweet" thing might keep you up at night.
What is Sugar?

This aspect of phones, computers and television hinders the release of the natural sleep hormone of the body.

What is blue light?


In preparation of the 2012 summer Olympics, this swimmer reportedly slept in a chamber designed to mimic high altitude living as a way to make his body produce more red blood cells to delivery oxygen to his muscles.

Who is Michael Phelps?

This natural chemical is released as your body winds down to sleep.
What is Melatonin?

If you are doing a particular deep breathing technique properly, your hand placed on this part of the body should remain still.

What is your chest?


This activity should be avoided 3 hours before bedtime.

What is exercise?


This is the best time frame for lengths of napping.

What is 20-30 minutes?


This previous talk show host swears by her nightly bubble baths and pack of cocker spaniels as a necessary ritual before bed.

Who is Oprah Winfrey?

This is the name of the natural "rhythm" that the body follows throughout a 24-hour period.
What is the Circadian Rhythm?

If you are doing the deep breathing technique properly, your hand placed on this part of the body should remain still

What is the chest?

This type of tea, thought to be "relaxing" may actually keep you up at night.
What is Green Tea?

This is a medication that is commonly prescribed for sleep.

What is Melatonin, Trazodone, Ambien, Prazosin, Temazepam?


This horror story author's bedtime routine includes washing his hands and making sure his pillowcases are pointed in a certain direction.

Who is Stephen King?

REM stands for this.
What is Rapid Eye Movement?

This type of therapy has a specific sub-set of skills that helps with insomnia.

What is CBT-I?

This is one of 2 emotions that may hinder your ability to fall asleep.
What is Anxiety or Stress?