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Watching TV and playing games on your phone are all helpful ways to settle in for bedtime.
Experts recommend not using electronic devices at least 30 to 60 minutes as the blue light in electronics can stimulate our mind, making it harder to sleep
What is the best way to regulate wake up time?
Set an alarm for the same time every morning
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If you get less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep, you can make up for it by napping or sleeping in.
Napping or sleeping in dysregulates our sleep, making it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep at night
What should we do if we get off track with our sleep routine?
Assess what caused us to get off course and continue trying! Regulating sleep can be a challenging process that will take time. But will pay off over time!
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A healthy snack can be an effective part of our nighttime routine.
Experts recommend avoiding food 3 hours before bed This allows your body time to digest your food so you're not up at night with an upset stomach, indigestion, or acid reflux.
Why is it important to get out of bed immediately upon waking?
Laying in bed can promote rumination, worsening anxiety and depression symptoms
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Exercise during the day does not impact our nighttime sleep
Exercise can promote better nighttime sleep by reducing the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and number of times waking in the night. Experts recommend avoid exercising 1 hour before bed.
What is sleep hygiene?
'Sleep hygiene' refers to healthy habits, behaviors and environmental factors that can be adjusted to help you have a good night's sleep.
What are some ways to settle a busy mind before bed?
A: Journal, practice mindfulness or deep breathing, stick with your bedtime routine, create a to do list
What are some good things to add to your morning routine?
Get out of bed when alarm goes off, exercise, drink water, brush your teeth, take a shower, journal, play with a pet
How long before bed should you cut down on caffeine?
The recommended cut-off time for caffeine use is a minimum of six hours before bedtime.
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Watching tv, playing games or reading in bed can help us to relax if we are having trouble sleeping
Experts recommend only using your bed for sleep. By engaging in stimulating activities in bed, we can create an association with our beds as being a place for being awake.
How does a regular bedtime impact our sleep?
Setting a regular bedtime helps to regulate our sleep so that our bodies and minds become conditioned for rest, helping us to fall asleep and stay asleep more easily.
What is your morning routine during the week? What is it on the weekends?
What is your favorite part of your daytime routine?
What is recommended if you wake in the night and can’t fall back to sleep?
Get out of bed, remain in low-light and engage in a calming activity until you are tired again and then return to bed