What are 5 benefits of sleep?
Improved Memory
Attention Span
Problem solving ability
Improved immune system
It has been shown that middle schoolers perform at their best when getting this many range of hours of sleep each night.
This is one tip to try if you want to improve your sleep.
Physical Activity Every Day
Avoid Caffeine after school
Limit after-school naps to less than 30 minutes. No naps after 4pm
Have meals around same time everyday Avoid eating close to bedtime
Keep indoor lights dim at night
Put away electronics at least 30 min before bedtime
Give yourself time to relax
Set a bedtime that gives you at least 8 hours of sleep
Get bright light every morning when you wake up
Stick to sleep schedule, even on weekends
True or False. Everyone Dreams?
True. Everyone dreams; but not everyone remembers their dreams.
This sleep disorder describes someone who has extreme difficulty falling and/or staying asleep, typically even after applying all the sleep strategies that we have discussed.
3 Effects of Sleep Deprivation?
Decreased Concentration
Impulse Control
Sick more often
Trouble listenening
Less patient
This is the scientific name for your internal clock.
Circadian Rhythm.
Why could avoiding too much screen time close to bedtime help you fall and stay asleep?
answer must include: blue light interfering with your body's ability to produce melatonin.
There are this many stages of sleep in 1 cycle.
5 stages of sleep in 1 cycle.
This sleep disorder involves uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep anywhere at anytime.
These is repaired and newly formed while sleeping.
These are the animals representing the sleep chronotypes.
Bear. Lion. Wolf. Dolphin.
These are 5 tips that could help improve your sleep.
Physical Activity Every Day
Avoid Caffeine after school
Limit after-school naps to less than 30 minutes. No naps after 4pm
Have meals around same time everyday Avoid eating close to bedtime
Keep indoor lights dim at night
Put away electronics at least 30 min before bedtime
Give yourself time to relax
Set a bedtime that gives you at least 8 hours of sleep
Get bright light every morning when you wake up
Stick to sleep schedule, even on weekends
This animal sleeps the most per day.
Koala. 18-20 hours a day.
This is the Medical term for what someone MIGHT have if they snore a lot.
Sleep Apnea.
This defensive bodily system is strengthened by getting enough sleep.
Immune system.
This is the most common sleep chronotype.
When we sleep on a more consistent schedule, our bodies perform much better. This consistent sleep schedule should also include what days of the week?
Saturday and Sunday.
On average, it takes this long to go through all stages of sleep.
90 minutes.
This long term sleep disorder causes a strong urge to move one's legs, making it difficult to fall and/or stay asleep.
Restless Leg Syndrome.