Sleep Habits
Famous Sleepers
Sleep Myths
Sleep Disorders
Doing this regularly may help your body regulate sleep habits.
What is exercise?
This story by Washington Irving finds a young man's life turned upside down after he falls asleep under a tree for 20 years.
What is Rip Van Winkle?
Should you take a nap right before you sleep or many hours before you sleep?
What is many hours before you sleep?
Getting older causes sleep problems
What is false?
Characterized by not being able to sleep
What is insomnia?
This is the most common cause of insomnia in older adults.
What is poor sleep habits or a poor sleep environment?
Looking for her prince charming, this spellbound young maiden must stay asleep until awaken with a kiss.
Who is Sleeping Beauty?
Should you take a long nap or a short nap?
What is a short nap?
Seniors need the same amount of sleep as all other adults.
What is true?
A loud, obnoxious vocal sound experienced when you sleep
What is snoring?
T/F: Some medications may affect the ability to sleep.
What is true?
The headless horseman and a pumpkin, this story featuring Ichabod Crane has been called a classic of American literature.
What is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow?
T/F. Napping can help your memory
What is true?
T/F. If you can get it, more sleep is always healthier
What is False? Some studies have found that people who slept more than 8 hours a night died younger than people who got between 6 and 8 hours. Long sleepers may suffer from problems such as sleep apnea, depression, or uncontrolled diabetes that make them spend more time in bed.
Night of the living dead! This disorder causes you to get up and move in your sleep
What is sleepwalking?
Name at least 1 way to improve sleep habits.
What is regular sleep schedule, be engaged, nap, expose yourself to sunlight, block out snoring, quit smoking, develop bedtime rituals, go to bed early, limit use of sleeping aids/pills?
This romantic comedy sure put Seattle on the map!
What is Sleepless in Seattle?
Studies suggest that napping can help reduce the risk of this disease
What is heart disease?
Lost sleep can be made up on the weekends
What is false?
A neurological movement disorders characterized by an irresistible urge to move the limbs, I guess you would call this the opposite of your foot falling asleep.
What is Restless Leg Syndrome?
T/F. Caffeine will not affect sleep habits.
What is false?
A play by William Shakespeare. Sleep Midway Dark summer
What is a Midsummer Night's Dream?
This type of nap is characterized by being short, efficient, and resting you up enough to help you through the day.
What is a power nap?
T/F. To function best, you need to get 8 hours.
What is False? There is no magic about that number. Everyone has different sleep needs, and you'll know you're getting enough when you don't feel like nodding off in a boring situation in the afternoon, says NYU psychologist Yooice Walsleben, Ph.D.
A sleep disorder characterized by a blockage in the airway or a failure for the brain to control breathing during sleep. Causes the person to stop breathing several times during sleep.
What is sleep apnea?