If I have a test tomorrow and I'm not prepared, should I stay up until 3am and keep studying, or get a good night's sleep instead?
__________ can lead to happiness.
Humans have a negativity bias, meaning we perceive _________ information more greatly than __________.
Negative, positive
Sometimes our families might decide what kind of person they think we are, and we can get stuck in a _______ mindset if we fear breaking out of that definition of ourselves.
If I'm this, I've come to class with all of my materials, I've already went to the bathroom, I'm ready to learn.
This brain process is super important for school and it's strengthened while you sleep.
There is a correlation between screen time and all causes of this.
One way to start changing the way you think about yourself and your life is to recognize and celebrate the small _______.
We can change our perception of who we are in the world by paying attention to and changing our _________.
Break it into smaller steps
We normally forget ____% of new material within the first 20 minutes of learning it.
2 hours
My perception of myself is influenced by pre-programming given to me by my ______ and _______, and it's not actually my programming.
Peer and parents
Deep rooted beliefs about who we are, how we see ourselves, and how we think others see us is referred to as a _________________ _____.
Perception box
I should keep these to myself during class time, and if it's still bothering me later I can talk to my teacher after class.
negative thoughts
During consolidation, information is moved from our ________________ to our __________________.
short term memory, long term memory
You're likely to feel more alert after eating a meal rich in ____________.
The tendency of people to look for information that confirms things we already know or believe is called _________________.
confirmation bias
I can make my days easier by having an established bedtime _________.
This brain phenomenon creates new connections between neurons and strengthens existing neuronal connections. (neuro________)
This is a very simple method for increasing happiness. ________, __________, ____
Stop. Look. Go.
You can rewire your brain to think differently about yourself by paying attention to your thoughts and labeling them. This process is called _________, and it can help you stop automatic negative thoughts.
This refers to the things that we just know, because we paid attention to the people and things happening around us as we grew up.
Observational Knowledge
The first step of the "Hide and Peek" study skill is "Look and Say". The next step is "Hide and Say". Next you peek to see if you've got it right. If you don't, what should you do next?
repeat from step 1