When having trouble sleeping where should you not stay?
In bed
Chronic sleep issues have been correlates with ________ and anxiety.
How long should you wait to get out of bed if you can't fall asleep?
15-20 minutes
This type of physical activity is affected by sleep deficiencies.
Your bed should only be used for sleep and what other regular behavior?
Sexual activities
How long is an average sleep cycle?
90 minutes
During sleep our bodies secrete hormones that help control ______, energy metabolism, and glucose processing; obtaining too little sleep upsets the balance of these and other hormones.
Deployments, shift work, _______, and barracks living are all military specific factors that may contribute to poor sleep.
Morning PT
One study showed that averaging ___ hours per day of sleep decreases free testosterone by 15%.
4-5 hours
You should only lay in bed when ______, not just when tired.
How many hours of sleep does the average adult need?
7-8 hours
People that habitually sleep less than 6 hours a night are more likely to have a higher than average ______ than people who sleep 8 hours.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Alcohol and substance use, poor nutritional habits, and excessive video gaming are all what types of behaviors that poorly impact sleep?
Poor sleep can lead to impaired _____ time and accuracy.
Guided meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and diaphragmatic __________ are all ways you can help yourself relax throughout the day and before bed.
If NREM sleep restores the body, what does REM sleep restore?
The mind.
Habitually sleeping less than 7 hours increases injury risk by _____ times.
1.7 times
when thinking of sleep hygiene you should consider the following: environment, sleep schedule, daytime behaviors, ________, and bed time routines.
Technology usage
Less than _______ hours of sleep over just 4 nights has shown to contribute to decreased cognition impaired mood, and negative metabolic changes.
6 hours
Negative thoughts like "I can never fall asleep" often become a ____-_______ prophecy that can hinder your ability to fall asleep.
Sleep load/drive and ________ rhythm are factors that regulate sleep.
Poor sleep leads to an increase in the production of _______, often referred to as the stress hormone.
On weekends and days off how should I approach my sleep schedule?
Consistent wake times.
Decreases in performance of prolonged submaximal exercise is primarily due to increased ______ effort rather than decreased work capacity.
If trying to improve your sleep efficiency, the time you spend in bed should be close to the time spent _____.