1st 10 Amendments to the Constitution
Bill of Rights
Washington's Secretary of State
Thomas Jefferson
Which European power was the Louisiana Territory purchased from in 1803
This invention allowed Southern Plantations to process the seeds out of cotton much more efficiently
Cotton Gin
How did voting requirements change during this time period?
No more property qualifications
Collection of 85 essays convincing the public to ratify the Constitution
The Federalist Papers
Event in which 3 French officials attempted to bribe American officials, resulting in a quasi naval war between the two powers
XYZ Affair
Supreme Court Case to establish the concept of Judicial Review
Marbury v Madison (1803)
Idea that America's Westward Expansion is bound to happen
Manifest Destiny
Which state threatened nullification and secession in response the the Tariff of Abominations?
South Carolina
Under the Constitution, for every 500 slaves a state has, how many will be counted towards their population for representation purposes
2 lessons or warnings from Washington's Farewell Address
1. Avoid political parties
2. Avoid political alliances with other nations (maintain trade)
As a result of the war of 1812, this political party ended to their their perceived lack of patriotism
Federalist Party
Explain what happens to the Market during the Market Revolution
The market expands from coastal cities into the interior of the United States
Movement to eradicate alcohol from American Life
Temperance Movement
2 opposing proposals at the Constitutional Convention, one for big states and one for small states, outlining what our legislative branch should look like
Virginia Plan (Big States) and the New Jersey Plan (Small States)
In order to build the national credit, what did Alexander Hamilton propose that the United States do?
Assume all of the state debts from the Revolution into a national debt
Political movement that pushed for war with Great Britain prior to the war of 1812
War Hawks
Daily Double!!!
Political Speech that promises to defend Latin American Countries from European Aggression moving forward
Two Tactics used by the Reform Movements to achieve their goals
1. Moral Suasion
2. Coercion
Articles of Confederation law that establishes the process of becoming a state
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
What major Economic Lesson did the United States take from the War of 1812
Must become self-sufficient/ Must start manufacturing to become less reliant on Europe
Name the 3 parts of the American System
-National Bank
-Infrastructure Spending
Women formally pushed for the right to vote for the first time at this famous gathering
Seneca Falls Convention- 1848