Finish this verse with a simile:
Writing papers for SLG is __________________
any comparison that uses "like" or "as" two compare two things that are not of the same kind, usually with the effect of creating a more vivid and memorable description
(BONUS POINT: Why would "Writing papers for SLG is as boring as writing papers for History" not be a simile?)
(Shakespeare was born in 1564)
The below is an example of ___________________
(full credit for correct spelling only)
[answers vary]
Compose a metaphor to express your feelings about sleep
[answers vary]
True or False: A traditional haiku will often focus on nature as a theme and should employ sonic elements like assonance, internal rhyme, or consonance.
False. Yes, traditional haikus often take nature as a theme of inspiration, but there is no requirement that they must use sonic elements (though certainly many do!)
(you must spell this word correctly for full points)
Comparing two unlike things using the words "like" or "as"
What sonic element characterizes these words?
Island, Rye, Kite
These are all examples of
Metaphor: making a comparison between two unrelated things by saying that one thing is the other
compose a verse or two of poetry in which the cloisters are personified.
Personification is a figurative language technique where an object or idea is given human characteristics or qualities. In other words, using our language, we make an object or idea do something that usually is only done by people.
Finish this haiku with your own original ending to the last two verses.
Awake but asleep
I . . . . . .
in . . . .
[answers vary]
poetically calling things something else
making a comparison between two otherwise unrelated things by calling one thing something else
Name three words that rhyme with FLOWERS
[answers vary]
hours, powers, towers, sours, cowers, devours
Pick any other question on this board and double its point value if you get it right.
Compose a verse of poetry that has internal rhyme
(answers vary)
In the Japanese tradition, haikus often appear accompanied by a painting called a _______.
(you must spell this correctly for full credit)
Identify all examples of all kinds of rhyme in these verses
Mary, Mary, quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells
And pretty maids all in a row.
Internal rhyme: for "mary - mary - contrary" and "bells - shells"
End rhyme for "grow / row"
Convince the teacher that you actually understand what irony is.
Do this by offering a definition or example.
[answers vary]
E.g., when you wait all day for a phone call and then miss it during the only 10 minute window you stepped away from your phone to shower
E.g., dramatic irony: when the audience knows something that the character does not
Sarcasm can relate to irony, but irony is not the same thing as sarcasm.
Groups compete to compose the best haiku that fulfills these requirements
- has a metaphor
- has an apostrophe
- has assonance but no rhyme
[answers vary]
Competitive haiku composition. Instructor will explain.
[answers vary]
Write a complete sentence with at least five words all of which have alliteration.
Give an explanation of the denotation of this sentence and one common connotation it can have.
"Well, what do you expect from a politician?"
denotation: asking a question about what someone anticipates that a person who holds public office will do or say
connotation: negative connotation, question insinuates that we are naive to expect that a politician will be anything but insincere and corrupt or conniving
consider how this phrase can change connotations if we use the word "public servant" or "statesperson" or "representative" instead of politician, and we can see why this word has a negative charge.