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Occurs with too little friction or traction between footwear and walking surface, resulting in loss of balance.

What is a slip?


Can occur when foot or lower leg hits an object and the upper body continues moving, resulting in loss of balance.

What is a trip?


Occurs when too far off center of balance.

What is a fall?


Can occur at the same level or to a lower level.

What is a fall?


Can occur when stepping down to lower surface and losing balance.

What is a trip?


This is an example which action?

What is a trip or fall?


This is an example which action?

What is falling or slipping?


This is an example which action?

What is slipping?


This is an example which action?

What is falling?


This is an example which action?

What is slipping?


What are three common inside slipping hazards that employees face?

What is too much clutter, poor lighting, unclear signage, lack of handrails or unsafe stairways, inappropriate footwear, lack of step stools, unmanaged cords, unchecked floor condition, rugs, slippery surfaces and other spills.


What are three common slipping hazards that outside employees face?

What is too much clutter, poor lighting, unclear signage, lack of handrails or unsafe stairways, inappropriate footwear, lack of step stools, unmanaged cords, unchecked floor condition, rugs, slippery surfaces and other spills.


What are three common tripping hazards that inside employees face?

What is too much clutter, poor lighting, unclear signage, lack of handrails or unsafe stairways, inappropriate footwear, lack of step stools, unmanaged cords, unchecked floor condition, rugs, slippery surfaces and other spills.


What are three common tripping hazards that outside employees face?

What is too much clutter, poor lighting, unclear signage, lack of handrails or unsafe stairways, inappropriate footwear, lack of step stools, unmanaged cords, unchecked floor condition, rugs, slippery surfaces and other spills.


What are three common falling hazards that inside employees that inside employees face?

What is too much clutter, poor lighting, unclear signage, lack of handrails or unsafe stairways, inappropriate footwear, lack of step stools, unmanaged cords, unchecked floor condition, rugs, slippery surfaces and other spills.


Has three levels: 

  • Perception of elements in the current situation. 
  • Comprehension of current situation.
  • Projection of future status.

What is situational awareness?


Physical human factors increasing risks of trips and slips.

What is failing eyesight &/or visual perception, age, physical condition & fatigue, stress or illness, a medications, alcohol & drug effects


This is being aware of what is happening around you in terms of where you are, where you are supposed to be, and whether anyone or anything around you is a threat to your health and safety. 

What is Situational awareness?


What are three common falling hazards that outside employees face?

What is too much clutter, poor lighting, unclear signage, lack of handrails or unsafe stairways, inappropriate footwear, lack of step stools, unmanaged cords, unchecked floor condition, rugs, slippery surfaces and other spills.


Behavioral human factors increasing risk of trips and slips. 

What is carrying or moving cumbersome objects or simply too many objects at one time, not paying attention to surroundings or walking distracted, making unapproved shortcuts and being in a hurry and rushing 


This sign could help prevent...

What is slips?


This is used to help prevent...

What are trips and falls?


When situationally aware, you may notice that there is a potential threat. What should you do instead of walk by?

What is take responsibility?


How can you improve your Situational awareness?

Assess your environment continually


True or false: It is possible to slip on dry surfaces.

True. Powders are possible to slip on, but they are dry.