The letter we use for slope.
What is M
The letter we use for the y-intercept.
What is B
The slope of the table below?
The slope is 4
The slope below on the graph.
What is -1/2
The slope of the equation is:
What is 3
The y-intercept is.
What is 4
The slope of the table is.
What is 2/3
The y-intercept of the graph below.
What is 3
The slope of the equation is:
What is -1/2
The y-intercept is.
What is -4
The y-intercept of the table below is.
What is -4
The slope of the line below.
What is 2/3
The y-intercept of the equation is:
What is 0
The y-intercept is.
What is -4.5
The equation of the table below is.
What is y=-2x-4
The slope of the line below is positive or negative?
What is negative
The equation is proportional or non-proportional.
What is proportional
The y-intercept is.
What is 2
The equation for the table below is.
What i y=4x+6
The equation of the line below is.
What is y=3/2x+3
The equation below will graph a positive line or a negative line?
What is negative