This person accompanies the mother-to-be in the delivery room and has exstensive experience with birth?
Who is Mickey Mouse's best friend?
What country is geographically separated from continental Europe by the Pyrenees mountains?
The name of athletes who ride horses in horseracing
Name the mineral that strengthens your bones.
What is used to soften the egg's outer layer?
The sperm’s enzymes
Who is the teacher that drives the Magic School Bus?
Ms. Frizzle
Where is the lowest elevation in North America?
Death Valley in California
A sport invented in the USA but also popular in Japan, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic.
Some varieties are Golden Delicious and Macintosh and Granny Smith
Full name for AMH:
Anti-Müllerian Hormone
Which professor turns into a Werewolf?
What mountain range runs along the northern border of India?
The Himalayan Mountains
In track & field, how many hurdles are in a standard hurdles race?
What fruit is green in the inside, green on the outside, and has a big seed
High levels of ____ is present in fish and sushi and should be avoided during pregnancy
Friends: What is the name of Rachel’s assistant who also was her boyfriend?
Tag Jones
Name the South American city with the highest population.
Sao Paulo
Who currently holds the most rings in the NBA?
Bill Russell
White, orange, and yellow candies seen on Halloween in America
Candy Corn
This bodily fluid contains antibodies that help protect the baby from infectious diseases, is also high in protein, and is secreted from the nipples?
How old is Harry Potter when he competes in the Triwizard Tournament?
Which country is the greatest producer of emeralds in the world?
Which TEAM hit the famous "Shot Heard 'Round the World"? Bonus 100 points if you can name the player.
The New York Giants (Bobby Thomson)
Origins in the Middle East and popular in many parts of Asia. It consists of cooked meat and vegetables and typically cooked on a stick