Meaning of Unknown Words, Part 1
Meaning of Unknown Words, Part 2
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, Part 1
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, Part 2
Academic Vocabulary and Word Parts

"Maddie lived in the city and loved the sound of traffic. So, when she moved to the county, she noticed the absence of the city's sounds." 

The meaning of the word ABSENCE is...

What is something that is no longer there?


"My hat was so loose, it almost fell off!"

An antonym of the word LOOSE is...

What is tight, or stiff?


Which sentence contains a capitalization mistake?

#1. "Every spring, I plant a flower garden that blooms in June."

#2. "Brayden's Grandmother grew up in Tokyo, Japan."

What is sentence #2? Grandmother should NOT be capitalized; it is not a proper noun.


Identify the word that should not be capitalized:

"Every summer, my Cousin and I work at an ice cream shop called Billy's Cones."

What is cousin?


"In the winter, we can have fun ice skating on the lake, as long as it is frozen solid."

The word FROZEN means...

What is to turn solid from the cold?


"After fixing his bike, Francis washed his slimy, or greasy hands with soap and hot water."

A synonym for GREASY is...

What is slimy, or slick, or oily?


"To illustrate my talk about gardening, I will show different flowers."

The meaning of ILLUSTRATE is...

What is to give examples?


Which sentence contains a spelling mistake?

#1. When Dillon and the other childrun arrive, we will begin.

#2. The leaves are already falling from the trees.

What is sentence #1? CHILDRUN should be spelled CHILDREN.


"B.K. might visit his friend today, ____ he might spend the day with his family."


What is OR?


"After stepping in the wet mud, Wyatt sat down, removed his shoe, and used a stick to clean off the sole."

The word SOLE means...

What is the bottom of a shoe?


"There are many ways to donate, such as sending money, dropping off pet toys, and offering to walk the dogs."

The meaning of the word DONATE is...

What is giving back to someone or to the community?


"A line of geese ____ through the sky, going south for the winter."


What is flew?


Which sentence contains a spelling mistake?

#1. The balloon floated up past the trees in the clouds.

#2. While we walked in the woods, we heard a hawk screem.

What is sentence #2? SCREEM should be SCREAM.


"Lawrence switched on the light ___ that he could read a book."

SO or IF

What is SO?


"Cassie bold__ dived into the pool."

Bold+LY or Bold+IES

What is boldly?


"The students learning to raise their hands before they spoke."

The meaning of RAISE is...

What is to lift into the air?


"Nathan was in bed with the ___ for a week, but now he feels better!"


What is flu?


Which sentence correctly uses a comma?

#1. Every week, Aubrey visits her aunt.

#2. Aubrey visits, her aunt every week.

What is sentence #1? Remember, commas are like pauses while you are speaking!


"We can only go to the park ___ it isn't raining."

SO or IF

What is IF?


"Even though Sophia felt a little nerv___, she took a deep breath."

Nerv+LY or Nerv+OUS

What is nervous?


"Ms. Schlesser and Ms. Caldwell are like two peas in a pod. They do everything together!"

The saying TWO PEAS IN A POD means...

What is similar, or same?


"Because I always feel hungry, I like to snack frequently."

The word FREQUENTLY means...

What is often, or regularly? 


Which sentence correctly uses an apostrophe?

#1. These pencil's are very dull, but you can sharpen them.

#2. Jayde's mother is teaching her how to knit.

What is sentence #2? PENCIL'S should be PENCILS because it is not claiming ownership.


Which sentence correctly uses an apostrophe?

#1. Emma enjoy's looking at pictures in books.

#2. I asked to borrow Truett's pencil since mine broke.

What is sentence #2? ENJOY'S should not have an apostrophe because it does not claim ownership.


"After the trio performed their final song, they took a bow and the crowd begged for more!" 

The prefix tri- means "three." The word TRIO means...

What is a group made of three people?