The acronym ASIS stands for ____________.
What is anterior superior iliac spine?
A sprain is injury to a __________.
What is a ligament?
The total number of bones in the spine.
What is 33 bones?
Lateral curvature of the spine.
What is scoliosis?
What is subjective, objective, assessment, and palpation?
The cup shaped cavity.
What is acetabulum?
What is complete tear of the muscle?
The number of fused bones in the coccyx.
What is 4 bones fused together?
Excessive curvature of the thoracic spine, rounded shoulders, and tight pectoral muscles.
What is kyphosis?
May I assist you? What hurts? What happened?
A bony prominence on the femur that serves as a muscle attachment.
What is the greater trochanter?
Define a bursa.
What is a fluid filled sac?
What is a Dens?
The MOI for a cervical neck injury.
What is neck flexion and axial loading?
The special test that assesses the integrity of the ATF (anterior talofibular ligament) of the ankle.
The name of bones that compose the pelvis. (3)
What is ilium, pubic, and ischium?
MOI is a direct blow to the iliac crest.
What is hip pointer?
The action C1 and C2 allows our neck to do.
What is neck rotation?
What is lordosis?
The two specific parts creates the hip joint.
What is acetabulum and head of femur?
The name of the 4 muscle groups of the hip.
What is iliopsoas, gluteal, lateral rotators, and adductor group?
Tear to the ring of cartilage around the acetabulum.
What is a hip labral tear?
The two parts of the spine that have anterior curvatures.
What is cervical and lumbar?
MOI is overloading the lumbar spine.
What is spondylolysis?
A positive patella grind test indicates this injury.
What is chondromalacia patella?