The meaning of this Kata's name is PEACEFUL MIND 2
Karate begins.....
...and ends with respect
To Strive...
...for the perfection of character
Shotokan karate was a style founded by...
Gichin Funakoshi
Members will not....
...criticize one another in the dojo
The first two moves in this kata are Zenkutsu Dachi, Gedan Barai THEN Zenkutsu Dachi, Chudan Oi Tsuki
Heian Shodan
The ultimate aim of Karate... not in victory of defeat, but is the perfection of character of its participants
To Defend...
...the paths of truth
Shotokan karate emphasizes these two main ideas:
Balance and Muscle control
Members will Bow...
...upon entering and leaving the dojo.
When you talk about the movement pattern for any kata, you call it the ______
Kata is one thing...
...engaging in a real fight is another
To Foster...
...the spirit of effort.
Shotokan fighters are easily recognizable by their...
...excellent posture, low stance and hip power - they will used the rotating power of their hips for every technique
Higher belts will....
...aid lower belts; lower belts will follow the instruction of higher belts
How many Kiai are there typically in Kata?
Two Kiai
Karate is like... water; if you do not heat it constantly, it will become cold.
To Honour...
...the principles of etiquette
The name Shotokan means...
"Hall of Wavering Pines"
No members will...
...provoke violence nor allow him/herself to be provoked under pain of expulsion.
In Heian Sandan, on which two techniques do you Kiai?
Chudan Oi Tsuki (at the end of the embusen line at the front) AND Kiba Dachi, Mawashi Tsuki (at the end of the Kata)
Do not forget...
Strength and weakness of power, expansion and contraction of the body, slowness and speed of technique.
To Guard...
...against impetuous courage
Why was Funakoshi's style of Karate named Shotokan?
Funakoshi was a writer, and his pen name was Shoto, hence the name Shotokan!
All members must abide...
by all the rules set forth by the Honbu dojo.