Chapters 1-2
Chapters 3-4
Chapters 5-6
Chapters 7-8
Chapters 9-10

What did God do to the seventh day? (Genesis 2:3 KJV)

A. God made it holy, and consecrated it
B. God blessed it, and sanctified it
C. God hallowed it, and set it apart

B. God blessed it, and sanctified it


What was Cain’s reaction to the LORD not respecting his offering? (Genesis 4:5 KJV)

A. he sorrowful, and wept bitterly
B. he was fearful, and hid his face from the LORD
C. he was very wroth, and his countenance fell

C. he was very wroth, and his countenance fell


What happened as men began to multiply on the face of the earth? (Genesis 6:1 KVJ)

A. they spread across the face of the earth
B. they built great cities
C. daughters were born unto them

C. daughters were born unto them


What did God do because he remembered Noah? (Genesis 8:1 KJV)

A. he made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged
B. he spoke to Noah and told him that the drying of the earth had begun
C. he caused the waters to decrease upon the face of the earth

A. he made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged


God blessed Noah and his sons, and said what unto them? (Genesis 9:1 KJV)

A. subdue the earth: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth
B. everything has been made very good again
C. Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth

C. Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth


Where does the Hiddekel River go toward? (Genesis 2:14 KJV)

Where does the Hiddekel River go toward? (Genesis 2:14 KJV)

A. the east of Assyria
B. the south of Canaan
C. the west of Shinar

B. the south of Canaan
C. the west of Shinar

Where does the Hiddekel River go toward? (Genesis 2:14 KJV)

A. the east of Assyria
B. the south of Canaan
C. the west of Shinar


What happened when Cain knew his wife? (Genesis 4:17 KJV)

A. she was barren, for the curse of Cain
B. she conceived, and bare Enoch
C. she conceived, and bare Lamach

B. she conceived, and bare Enoch


What were in the earth in those days before the flood? (Genesis 6:4 KVJ)

A. dragons
B. giants
C. fallen angels

B. giants


When did the dove come in to Noah the second time? (Genesis 8:11 KJV)

A. in the afternoon
B. in the evening
C. the next day in the morning

B. in the evening


By the sons of Gomer and Javan, were what divided in their lands? (Genesis 10:5 KJV)

A. the mountains of the east
B. the plains of the west

C. the isles of the Gentiles

C. the isles of the Gentiles


What did God say that the waters should bring forth abundantly? (Genesis 1:20 KJV)

A. the moving creature that hath life
B. the swimming fishes
C. the living beasts that inhabit the seas

A. the moving creature that hath life


Where does Cain say God has driven him? (Genesis 4:14 KJV)

A. out this day from the face of the earth
B. out this day from his mother and father
C. out this day from his house and his kinsmen

A. out this day from the face of the earth


What was to be constructed inside the ark? (Genesis 6:16 KVJ)

A. lower, second, and third stories
B. cages and holds for storage
C. four decks

A. lower, second, and third stories


What will happen when the LORD causes it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights? (Genesis 7:4 KJV)

A. every high mountain will be covered by the waters of the flood
B. every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth
C. all man and his wickedness shall be cleansed from the earth

B. every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth


What was the eastern border of the Canaanites? (Genesis 10:19 KJV)

A. unto the Dead Sea, even unto Hazor
B. unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lasha
C. unto the Jordan river, even unto Dan

B. unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lasha


What was the name of the fourth of the four heads that the river that went out of Eden became? (Genesis 2:14 KJV)

A. Kanah
B. Euphrates
C. Pharpar

B. Euphrates


How many wives did Lamech take? (Genesis 4:19 KJV)

A. two
B. three
C. four

A. two


What was the breadth of the ark to be? (Genesis 6:15 KVJ)

A. fifty cubits
B. an hundred cubits
C. two hundred and fifty cubits

A. fifty cubits


What did God do in addition to making a wind to pass over the earth? (Genesis 8:2 KJV)

A. the fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained
B. the waters returned to heaven and the deep and the dry land appeared
C. the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters

A. the fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained


What did God tell Noah after saying the animals will fear and dread you? (Genesis 9:2 KJV)

A. into your hand are they delivered
B. have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air
C. I have given you every herb bearing seed, to you it shall be for m

A. into your hand are they delivered


What were the names of Jesus’ half-brothers?

James, Joseph, Simon and Judas


How many times did Paul receive thirty-nine lashes?

5 Times


After Sarah died, Abraham remarried: what was his second wife’s name?



How many books in the Bible only have one chapter?



II John

III John



Which Gospel does not have any parables?

The Gospel of John